Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ames Update

Hey Ladies:

I am going to send an update in a simplistic manner. I hope to create a weight loss/lifestyle change entry later this week. Here's the scoop:

-- Gavin is done with 4th grade on Friday! We are off to the Omaha Zoo the next day for a quick weekend get-away with Jon and my friends Marie and Brian

--our weekend in NE Iowa was very quick and I really wish I had felt better. My tooth hurt like hell and I was sick to my stomach due to the high dose of antibiotics I've been taking. Penicillin was a great discovery but it's horrible in doses of 500mg four times a day. I'm going back to the dentist tomorrow (Tuesday) to see what the heck is wrong with my tooth/jaw.

--Jon and I will have been dating for 7 months this week. He was surprised by the size of our family and the amount of people at all the gatherings. Not sure when he'll visit Waukon again but he liked the trip.

--we thought our TV in the living room had bit the dust before we left for Waukon on Friday afternoon. The sound stopped working for a bit....then the buttons on the TV stopped working....the remote wouldn't communicate with the TV, then the picture disappeared and the TV wouldn't shut off! It was weird. I had spilled a little water on the TV since I had watered plants that are on top of the TV but I didn't see how the water had gotten in the TV or anything. I left Ames that day really pissed off because I thought I'd have to buy a new TV with money I don't have. When we got back Sunday evening, the TV cooperated! The sound is back, the picture is back, and most of the buttons on the TV work again. Whew!

--Jon and I are taking a vacation to Chicago the 2nd week of June. We are leaving on the 8th and coming back on Saturday the 12th for a wedding here in Ames. The trip isn't very structured. Jon has specific restaurants he wants to eat at but our site-seeing isn't planned. We are seeing the Blue Man Group one of the nights so that should be exciting. I guess we are sitting behind the poncho row so hopefully I'm not hit with paint or Twinkies. I had considered seeing that act when they came to ISU awhile back but it never happened.

--Gavin is going to his first summer camp on the 20th of June and will spend the whole week at the 4H Center. He has another camp on the following week too. I can already tell the summer is going to fly by because all the dates and events are approaching so quickly.

--Tiffany and Gregg are moving away tomorrow. It saddens me that my last really close friend in Ames is moving away. My dental issues have also pissed me off because I was less available to Tiffany as she packed and she prepared. Grrr. I will regret not spending that time with her. Looks like I'll need to take a trip to Baltimore some time soon....maybe I'll swing by Michigan too!!

--my employment worries have been settled for the summer. I won't be working for the Red Cross as much as I had thought but will still have work through them each week. I will be doing some work for my past advising professor since she has Iowa-related tasks to complete now that she lives in Texas. I'm also teaching a summer class at ISU for part of July-August. Money will still be tight due to bills, school loan repayment, etc but at least I'm working.

--I won't know much about my fall employment until August. Sigh.

Hope everything is well with everyone!


Nicole said...

so I haven't had a chance to talk to you since your root canal. Did they complete the the job minus the crown or do they still need to go in and do more work. I'll be around tonight so if you're online we should chat.

I'm glad you, Jon and Gavin had a nice time in Waukon over the weekend. It's so nice to be able to spend time with family. I can't wait until July when I get to do the same!

LeAnn said...

I too am worried that the summer will fly by. At least Gavin will be active this summer, and you don't have to feel guilty leaving him alone while you work.
Sorry about the tooth issues. I can't even imagine the pain and annoyance. Congrats on your 7 month anniversary. I'm surprised Jon said he liked the trip. It didn't seem like it. Not sure what to say about your TV - that's crazy good luck. You've got a lot happening in the next month, sounds like good stuff. Busy, busy.

project.100.gone said...

Ouch LeAnn!

LeAnn said...
