Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Weight Watchers Update


I had a very successful week back on the Weight Watcher's bandwagon. I lost 6.4 lbs!! I do have a confession to make....I did not keep track of my points. I just made better food choices, listened to my hunger levels, and kept myself busy so I wouldn't resort to any mindless eating. I know when the weight stops coming off so easily, I'll have to count my points more carefully. I also allowed myself to go out to eat at a Mexican buffet but made wise choices (yes that is possible at a Mexican buffet). It was easier this time around to meld the healthy lifestyles into my actual life. We even went bowling at the new recreation place in Ames and I had some breaded cheese curds and bread sticks.

It was easier than I anticipated to change up my eating but I still need to greatly increase my activity levels. I'm also wondering (and worrying) when my cravings for junk will kick in with full force. Once in awhile this past week I'd crave my usual meal at Taco John's or some of my junk food from Hy-Vee but I was able to resist and eat something healthier. I did let myself eat my Grilled Chicken Burrito after the weigh-in on Monday as a reward. I hope that reward is gratifying enough to last another week or so. Luckily I am starting to crave healthy foods....surprisingly Subway has been on my mind a lot.

So what are some foods that you know you need to eat less? Here is my list:

Taco John's foods, cream based soups sold at the deli in Hy-Vee (chicken tortilla and cheesy potato), cheesy potatoes, and pop

I still plan to eat all those things listed above but I've really cut down on my servings. I actually haven't missed pop very much. I enjoy my food more when I'm not consuming pop with it.

My mom and sister are coming to visit next week and it sounds like we are going to Adventureland for a day. I'm expecting some disappointment that day because I'm not any smaller than I was 2 years ago when we went to Valley Fair. My caboose couldn't fit into some rides that summer so my caboose won't be fitting into everything this year either. I cannot wait for the day when I can fit onto any ride I want. I just hope I'm not too old so I'm not breaking a hip if I get flipped upside down or something.

Hope you're having a good week!


Nicole said...

I'm glad that you've had a great week Jenny! Keep up the good work and fight those cravings! You should try taking a walk at night with Gavin...he could ride his bike and you could follow behind.

LeAnn said...

I'm glad you're back on the WW bandwagon. I think it's funny how different our tastes are in food. You like Mexican (Taco Johns, burritos, etc.), Hyvee soups, and other stuff I don't like. I know there are quite a few things I eat that you don't like. We grew up in the same household, but turned out so different. Lol. Breaded cheese curds will always be on my "Allow" list, because they're awesome. I haven't found myself craving pop so much. Once in awhile, especially lately, when it's warm out, an ice cold Diet Coke or Diet Cream Soda sounds really good.
I don't know what to tell you about being active. It sucks, but it's totally worth it. It's still unfortunate that we leave so far apart, otherwise tennis would be more feasible for both of us. Let me note that the New Hampton park has tennis courts. Totally sad I can't join the Adventureland fun. Sometimes I am no fun at amusement parks, so maybe it's best I am absent. I lose my energy fast and get cranky. Alrighty, time to do my homework for tomorrow.

LeAnn said...

**We live so far apart, not leave!**

Tiff said...

Good job with your week! The foods I need to eat less of are: tortilla chips, french fries and drinking soda. I have been doing pretty good this week too except in general I eat too much. It's healthy food but my portions are too big. If I had my way I would be eating pizza or casseroles right now. Those are my weaknesses. I could make me a chicken rice casserole:) I've been drinking a lot of water and that is helping with the appetite. It's too hot right now to eat very much too. I have started my own blog but I am still figuring it all out. I am going to start to exercise again. I have nothing else to do right now besides applying for jobs. Maybe you and Gavin could write on little pieces of paper activities you would like to do that are fun and make it a goal to pick one out of a hat every week. Gregg and I are going to pick a hike out of a book my mom bought us to do every week. Let me know if you have other ideas!