Thursday, June 24, 2010

Energy....anyone have any they could lend me?

Or maybe I should be more correct and ask if anyone has any energy I could have? The last couple weeks have been rough. I had a great time on vacation to Chicago with Jon but as soon as I came back my energy level (and mood) plummeted. I've not felt like myself either...I miss perky energetic Jenny. My workload at the Red Cross did suck a lot out of me but I honestly thought I'd rebound from that since this week isn't so stressful. I think my weight may be a strong factor in this situation...studies show that mental health and energy do improve when pounds are shed. Needless to say, I'm very anxious to look better and FEEL better.

I attended Weight Watcher's on Monday night and was surprised to find a different leader for the meeting. Not sure what I think of her yet....she tried to be humorous so that always gives them points in my book. I've really been watching what I'm eating this week so I'm hoping that my effort is recognized when I step on the scale on Monday. I'm not comfortable reporting what my weight is yet but I was rather shocked to see the number on Monday night. I really wish I had more energy because I want to exercise more regularly too. Here are some changes that I'm implementing this week:

--bought more nutritious options at the grocery store (soups, meat & veggies for sandwiches, low calories ice cream treats, etc.)

--not eating in front of the TV so I focus on what I'm eating and enjoy the food more...instead of cramming it into my mouth at record speed.

--trying to pinpoint a time at night that I shouldn't eat after...8:30pm may be a good choice for me

--only eating when I'm mood has been odd lately and I don't want to use food to make myself feel better. I'm hoping my new healthy choices will cause me to feel better as the week progresses.

More blogging to come! I always enjoy writing on here yet I have not posted much at all this summer or even this year.



LeAnn said...

Energy is not so easy to come by. I have somewhat messed up my sleeping pattern, so I haven't gotten a good night's sleep in awhile. The crappy sleep makes my energy disappear.
I am no expert, but my suggestion is exercise. The high after jogging always improves my mood, sometimes my energy, and I always feel accomplished afterward. I understand that the Red Cross has kept you busy, but if you find yourself with a chunk of time, try a walk or jog. I feel lucky that I have Jason to not-so-kindly remind me to get off my hinny and jog. He can be a bastard when I don't want to run, but he's getting better at being patient when I jog. He can go faster and farther.
Good luck with your changes. Do what feels right and do what makes you happy - that should help the mood thing.

project.100.gone said...

Glad you might like the new leader of WW. That has to be quite advantageous. I have sucked lately with eating, exercise and blogging. I've been in a very bleh type mood...not sure why. Maybe I should blog about it ;)