Thursday, February 11, 2010

Yay me!

Not to toot my own horn but I thought I'd share my victory of the day with you. Today, I knew that I needed to work out. I didn't want to work out but that wasn't really an option. I had my workout written in my planner and was trying to ignore it, but I didn't! I was supposed to do 35 minutes but, because I was being lazy I did 45 instead! Yay me! I didn't cure world hunger or anything but I was happy with my discipline.

2 other quick thoughts:

-the spinach, ricotta tortelini from Barilla is AMAZING!

-my friend Chris and I are going to try out a new church on Sunday. I was reading the description and it sounds like a really good fit. I can't wait.

OK, that's it. Have a wonderful Friday ladies!


LeAnn said...

Well that's exciting. I didn't work out today due to some after-school errands. Tomorrow is a set day for working out, so I should still get in a good work out.

Good luck with the rest of your weekend and checking out a new church.

project.100.gone said...

Mental note about that Barilla product. Glad to hear you pushed through and still exercised.

Good luck with the church!