Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Hello ladies. I have a question for you. I've never taken a daily vitamin and I'm starting to think that it might be a good idea. I've been very sluggish and just can't get untired, even though I've been getting lots of different fruits including good protein, veggies and fruits. I'm sure part of my problem is iron deficiency, I'm always at the 'low normal' level when I attempt to give blood. However, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that diminished iron isn't my only issue. I have a feeling that I'm low on other essential nutrients and should really work to rectify that. I've been thinking about taking a daily vitamin but I've never taken one before. So, my questions for you. Do you take vitamins? If so, what brand/type would you recommend. If I start taking a vitamin everyday how in the world do I remember to take it. I have calcium chews that I've had forever and rarely remember to take. Anyway, I've just been contemplating this lately and wanted to get your input.

My first week of Lenten sacrifices went well. It's funny because I thought that giving up eating out completely would be more difficult than giving up pop but it's not. I'm doing well but I literally crave pop, I don't crave eating out. I think that the longer I abstain from my carbonated nemesis the easier it will be to curb my cravings. I know I'm only a week into a 6-week abstinence but I'm feeling pretty good about myself.

While I'm feeling pretty good about the way that I've been eating, I was not as loyal to my exercising as I should have been last week. I didn't get in the work outs that I wanted to. I find myself walking out to the bus with Chris after work which means that I don't do the treadmill here and then I don't do any exercising when I get home. I need to find a way to get my butt back on track. This is always the hardest part for me. I would really like to lose weight before I go on vacation in July so that all of my summer clothes fit me well so I have something to work towards which helps. I think I just need to keep that at the front of my mind.

Anyway, my lunch break is nearing an end so I should probably go. I hope that you ladies are having a wonderful week!!


LeAnn said...

Unfortunately I won't be much help on this issue. I haven't religiously (pardon the pun, sort've) taken vitamins since I lived at my parents' house. I have the same problem as you, I have trouble taking pills daily. Luckily, I have been good with my birth control. I have made it part of my nightly routine. Jenny got me interested in cranberry extract pills because I had trouble with UTIs. I only remembered to take them when I was feeling symptoms of a UTI, otherwise I meant to take them daily. So, basically I am no help. Sorry.
I'm not a big lent person. However, I feel that I don't need to give up anything. I am already changing my lifestyle, so I feel like I am giving up my old self. We shall see.
Good for eating well; I hope you get back to physical activity though. I had an off day where my work out sucked, but today was much better. Persevere! My clothes have already started to fit much better; you can do it too! I am not dropping pounds by the hundreds, but I know I am finally having success.

project.100.gone said...

I do take vitamins regularly. I used to take the Once a Day brand and they had a specific type of vitamin designed for women. I think it had cranberry extract added to it so I could also prevent UTI issues. I am now taking a gummy daily vitamin. I take the Spring Valley brand from Walmart. It is much cheaper than name brand gummy vitamins. It provides Vitamins A, C, D, E, B6, B12, and folic acid.

As you can see, it doesn't provide calcium. I need to think about supplementing the calcium but I hate those chewable things. I also got sick of the pill version of a vitamin hence the switch to the gummy version.

I still have a bottle of B-12 vitamins too that I take once in awhile. You may need to think about iron but also consider B-12 since that increases energy. It's also supposed to help with recovery after exercise.

I pop a lot more pills now thanks to the new medicine I'm on to control my bile levels. I really have to put a lot of thought into when I take my birth control and vitamins. If I take them within 2 hours of my bile medication, they are canceled out since the bile meds will absorb them. It also applies to Tylonel and pain relievers so it can be frustrating.

I thought I'd be cute and consider giving up my habit of eating like crap for Lent. I didn't initiate that change though so I haven't given up anything for Lent either.