Monday, February 8, 2010

My thoughts on Super Bowl 44

Hey ladies. I hope that you are having a safe Monday amidst the blizzard in the Midwest. It was a sunny, cool day here but it was the calm before the storm. Our snow is supposed to start tomorrow morning and dump 6-18 inches on us. I'm really hoping for something closer to 6 but I don't know if we'll get that lucky. I had a decent weekend. I did some shopping on Saturday and then spent the day cleaning my apartment. Sunday was spent playing with my new sewing machine and watching the Super Bowl. I could talk about eating and exercising and all but I'd rather just share my thoughts on this years Super Bowl with you! Enjoy!!

1. This was perhaps the best SB that I've seen in a long time. I don't remember enjoying a SB this much in quite some time, maybe ever. I think part of the reason is that Sean Payton was playing fearlessly, he may be the personification of 'no guts no glory.' He made some really risky calls that I don't think many coaches would have and it was AWESOME to watch. Peter King called him cocky, he might be right but damn that made for some good football!

2. When I worked at McDonald's I hated it when there were paw prints (finger prints) on the doors and windows. I don't have many OCD tendencies but you get finger prints on shiny things and I want to scream. Last night I wanted to throw things at the TV when they were passing around the Vince Lombardi trophy...all those finger prints!

3. The Saint's win last night must have been bittersweet not only for Peyton Manning but the entire Manning family. While the Colts didn't win, they have serious ties to the city of N.O. as it's their hometown and the Saint's franchise (Archie Manning's team when he was in the NFL).

4. It's a damn good thing the city of New Orleans decided to close the city today. Nobody would be sober enough to work!

5. Keep the Gatorade closer to the coach near the end of the game. I didn't think those guys were ever going to get to Sean Payton at the end of the game. They did get him though and they got him good!

6. Drew! I remember feeling really bad for Drew when he was drafted. The Giants nabbed him but they didn't want him. Now look at him. Super Bowl MVP. He set an NFL record for single season pass completion. Did you see how amazingly adorable he was with his son after the game??? What an amazing moment to share with him!

7. Why don't they do onside kicks more often??? How amazing was that?!?!? If you watched the game you know what it was like so I won't go into all of the details but I do want to say this. How much would it suck to have been Reis on the bottom with the ball? 90 seconds he was down there...NINETY!!!

8. Did you know that Saint's kicker Morstead had never kicked or practiced an onside kick prior to 12 days before the Super Bowl? Quite possibly my favorite quote of the the day. In a post game interview Morstead commented on his nerves prior to the onside kick, and I quote: 'I wasn't nervous...I was terrified!' It takes a real man to admit that!

9. I HATE Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson!!! Because of them and their ridiculous 'wardrobe malfunction' we will never get halftime entertainment where the members of the band are not collecting social security. I like The Who as much as the next person but they are so irrelevant in today's popular culture. I'm sure many modern acts would LOVE to perform at halftime.

10. The commercials last night were just eh. Here are a few thougths on the commercials to wrap up my Super Bowl 44 thoughts:

-The green police were AMAZING!

-I hate the e-trade commercials with the babies. However, when they called the one girl a dumb milkaholic, I lol'd!

-The Doritos commercials were, on the whole, incredibly stupid.

-Dodge, the only American car company to have a SB ad did a very good job in the one commercial that they purchased.

-Did you notice that Pepsi didn't have any commercials last night? Instead of buying air time, Pepsi co. decided to take the money that they would be spending and, through an online campaign, donate it to community improvement projects throughout the country. Good for them I say. Pepsi normally has about 1000 commercials during the SB and now that money will be put to really good use!

OK, sorry if that was boring or disorganized but the thoughts were just wandering around my head so I thought I'd share them with you! Have a great week ladies!


LeAnn said...

I don't know what to think about your first comment. Anyway, I was worried about your blog because I was watching the Super Bowl and cheering for the Colts. Jason and I are big Colts fans. We go to at least one game a season. From the way the game was played, I agree the Saints deserved to win. The Colts started off well enough, but then they started making mistake after mistake.
The onside kick is highly dangerous. Had the Colts recovered the ball, they would have had great field position. That's why they aren't done often, they can be a dangerous mistake. They also have to go at least 10 yards, which can be hard for a kicker to do. It makes me fume that Hank Baskett (the husband to Kendra - one of the former playmates of Hugh Hefner) is the one who blew the onside kick. The ball bounced off him and eventually into the hands of the Saints. No wonder no team wants him. Grrrrrr. After that the Colts sucked it big time. It was hard to watch. It makes me sad because I like Peyton Manning, while a lot of America doesn't. Did I tell you, Nicole, that I saw him in person at a restaurant in Indianapolis? I have the pictures to prove it. It was pretty awesome.
The commercials were ok. The Betty White one was decent. I was wondering where Pepsi was. The Brett Favre commercial wasn't half bad either.
Anyway, I am glad the Super Bowl is done. I'm sad it wasn't a Colts victory, but at least they've won a Super Bowl before.

Nicole said...

LeAnn, my sister would be SO jealous of you! I don't know if she is a bigger Colts or Peton Manning fan. Actually, that's not true...she is definitely a bigger Peyton fan!

I was thinking about you during the game because I knew you were a Colts fan. I was sad to see them lose because I do like what they stand for as a team but the Saints...well, I always love a good Cinderella story :)

I know onside kicks are risky and they rarely work, but when they do...WOW!

project.100.gone said...

I'm finally getting on the ball today and checking out the blog. I periodically watched the Super Bowl but admit I fell asleep right at the end of the half time show. I saw the very end of the 4th quarter.

I too was not impressed by the commercials. I knew they were using Troy Polomalu in one but it was rather dumb. I had read a week prior to the SB that Pepsi was not buying advertising time...good for them!

The fingerprints on the trophy were driving me nuts too! I caught part of the parade in New Orleans last night and saw fingerprints on it again!

I also thought the father-son time with Drew Brees and his son was adorable.

I didn't mind The Who playing the half time show. Shrug. Then again I napped right after their performance so it wasn't very stimulating. I'm glad Pete Townsend didn't have a wardrobe malfunction.