Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Great news!

Happy Wednesday ladies! What a beautiful day today. Driving into work was like driving through a winter wonderland! We haven't really had a serious snowfall yet this year so the 8 or so inches we got last night were great! I probably wouldn't be so happy, however, the snow stopped before I was out this morning and the roads were clear so my drive in wasn't bad at all. Not to mention I got in a 25 minute workout this morning just shoveling out my car!

The week has been going well. I got in a really good workout Monday night and have have been eating really well. I did make a discovery last night though. I do not like to eat frozen broccoli on it's own. If it's in a dish of sorts it's not so bad, but I've tried a few of the broccoli steamers and I just do not like them. I even tried the one with cheese last night and had to force it down. I think in the future I'm going to have to stick with either raw or start taking the time to prepare and steam fresh broccoli if I want to eat it. I'm actually really excited for dinner tonight. My sister and I decided that tonight was going to be our seafood night. She is making a crab meat lasagna and I have decided to make a shrimp and pasta dish with mushrooms and tomatoes. Normally I just use WW penne but I was in the pasta aisle at the store the other day and saw that Barilla has their cheese tortellini. I was going to get the 3 cheese but then I saw that they had ricotta and spinach so I picked that up and will give it a try tonight.

OK, enough about me. I told you that I have some good news and now I'll share it. My friend Chris, the one who found out last week that she has colon cancer (I might not have told you that LeAnn)had her CT yesterday. She found out this morning that it has not spread!!! She also was told that the form she has in not a fast spreading cancer! These are some really great pieces of news for her. She still hasn't met with her oncologist yet so the final details are still not in but this was a really good way to start her week! Ideally they'll be able to remove the mass in her colon within the month and then she'll start her follow-up treatment, whatever that may be, after! I just keep praying that she's going to be alright!

Alright, I should find something to do. Have a great day ladies!


project.100.gone said...

Fantastic news about Chris!! I was so surprised when I received your email about her diagnosis.

I have to say I'm so proud of your exercise habits and diet choices. I really look up to your motivation and ability to stick to your goals.

I am going to start planning my menus....I have to make myself more accountable so eating out isn't such an inviting choice. If I have something simmering in my crock pot or ready to put in the oven...I'll anxiously await the trip directly home after work.

LeAnn said...

Oh, sorry to hear about Chris. I didn't know, but at least the recent news is good news. Colon cancer (or any cancer) can be super scary. Jenny and I have an uncle that died from it, maybe she told you already.

It sounds like you had a good week in the weight loss area. I actually haven't tried the Steamers broccoli. I really like their peas and mixed veggies. I bought an Asian-style vegetable Steamers that has orange sesame sauce. Jason and I are going to have "Chinese" night sometime soon. I'll give word on whether or not it's good. My work outs took a slight decrease due to yesterday's snow. I was able to go today and I'll be going again Friday, so I haven't quit, snow and work just got in the way a bit. It felt great today to sweat and push myself. :)

I wasn't as happy about the snow. The roads were still slightly slick this morning. We had a late start at school so I got an extra hour and fourty-five mintues. It made for an easy day. Tomorrow is my last day of the week. For some reason, the school I work at has a four-day weekend. Plenty of time for me to grade essays and get caught up at home.

project.100.gone said...

Don't forget about all the great aunts and uncles that have suffered from it too! We definitely have a genetic link to that awful disease.