Monday, February 1, 2010

Fresh start Monday...

I guess it's Tuesday now-

Hey ladies! I just have to say that I'm starting over and recovering from an average week followed by a really bad weekend. Last week was pretty neutral for my fitness goals. I was OK with my eating habits and OK with my exercising. My weekend, however, was not great. With the exception of my lunch with my friend Chris on Saturday my eating was garbage. More correctly, I was eating garbage. I felt so miserable on Sunday night that I knew I had been bad. It's quite surprising how quickly your body becomes accustomed to eating well. I had only been really serious about eating well for 2 weeks and as soon as I lapsed my stomach was pissed. As sad as that made me, you have to believe that it was great motivation to stick to the straight and narrow. I've probably mentioned it before but I'm going to repeat it regardless, I never feel bad/sick after eating when I eat well. EVER. Yes, if I over eat I still feel that overly full feeling but I'm never sick and feeling like I need to throw-up. I think that's a sign. Anyway, my goal this week is to get back on track with my eating. I have a menu in place and I am going to stick with it.

I also was pretty sedate this weekend. Partially because it was really cold this weekend and I didn't want to go out any more than I had to and partly because I spent all day Saturday with Chris working on crochet patterns...I know, what a wild life I lead. I'm the kind of person that when I get into something it sort of takes over my life for a while. As such, I spent most of Saturday evening and a great deal of Sunday working on the blanket that I'm making for a friend's baby and practicing basic knitting...yes, I pseudo taught myself how to knit as well :) Between that and cleaning and laundry my day was shot. Oh well, sometimes that happens. So, after a weekend of lazying I am going to focus on getting back to work.

Speaking of exercise, I totally got my new shoes in the mail yesterday! I needed new shoes for the treadmill and was looking online and found a really fun pair. I never buy women's shoes because I'm really a 12.5 in size...12's hurt my toes and in 13's I move around all over the place. I'm always sad that I can't wear women's athletic shoes because they are so much more fun than men's. However, while perusing Eastbay I found a pair of silver and pink Mizuno shoes. And they run a half-size small!! I got the 13's and they fit really, really well! I'm going to break them in for a few days before I work out in them but I can't wait to try them out! Not to mention I'm thrilled that I get cute pink shoes (judge me if you must)!

OK, I have to stop now and start working. Have a great day and I'll chat with you all later!!


LeAnn said...

That's too bad about your eating, but it sounds like you'll be rectifying the situation. It's such a good feeling to eat good food when you are actually hungry, plus the full feeling after having ate good food. I can't help feeling sedate too. It makes me feel guilty. Hopefully today's and tomorrow's work out will help me to feel less guilty.
Yay for new shoes. I'm somewhere in the range of 11.5 - 12. I usually buy men's tennis shoes because they go high enough in sizes. The shoes I work out in now are fairly new. I bought them last year with the intent that they would be used solely for exercising. I have basically kept my word too. I won't hold it against you that yours are pink. I like the combination of dark gray or black with pink, but other than that I don't allow pink into my shoes.
Good luck with your back-on-track week and new shoes. What's on your menu?

Nicole said...

Tonight is baked potato with broccoli and cheese with a veggie salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, broccoli, radishes, carrots and Italian dressing), tomorrow night it's chicken, black bean and rice burritos on WW tortillas, Thursday is tuna noodle casserole and then leftovers on Friday. It all sounds yummy to me!

project.100.gone said...

I completely understand how you feel after you eat "garbage". I have my days when I feel like that...especially if I eat Taco John's food. The first few bites are oh so delicious and then after awhile...yikes.

Shoes are often an issue for me too. I wear 11-11.5 in men's. My time to buy new athletic shoes is approaching since I usually use my tax refund to help purchase some that are on sale. I want to get some outdoorsy type shoes too. I need shoes that will look cool when I'm sort of dressed up. Wearing tennis shoes looks goofy sometimes and I hate wearing heels so much.

I have considered pink shoes....some look cool. They never have my size though.