Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday already!?!?

Wow, I cannot believe that it's already Fat Tuesday. Time is going by ridiculously fast. In less that 40 days I'll be home for my little brother's wedding and, assuming all goes according to plan, when I go home my step-sister will be engaged as well. Apparently wedding bells are the future of the Warnke/Roepke family.

Things have been going pretty well here in Michigan. Chris and I checked out a non00denominational church in Ann Arbor this weekend and we both really liked it. We'll be going back this coming weekend and I think that I would really like to make that my home church while here in Michigan. It has a really relaxed atmosphere that I really like. Everybody, the pastor included, was wearing jeans and just really comfortable. Their thought is that we should focus more on praising God and sharing the Word than what we're wearing. I'm pretty good with any place that I can be comfortable. More importantly, I really like the beliefs of the church which focus on Christ's love and sacrifice and leaving the judging to God. Now, I've only been there one week so who knows what the future holds but I was really impressed with our visit this last weekend.

I'm actually really happy that I found a church that I like out here because tomorrow is Ash Wednesday which is the start of my favorite season in the church, Lent. I'm equally happy that my brother decided to get married Easter weekend because not only will I get to go to Easter church in my home church, I get to attend the Good Friday service there as well (my personal favorite day of the church ever). Anyway, not to bore you with talk about church seasons, I'd actually rather talk about the tradition of giving something up for Lent. Every year I decided to give something up and every year I fail. So, this year, I will plan to give something up, two somethings as a matter of fact. For Lent I will be giving up...drum roll please:

-eating out

Since we've started Live Healthy Iowa I have been unable to give up pop and I still eat out too often. In the past when I stop drinking pop or eating out it's easy to stick with it. However, something happens and then I get back into the habit and it's hard to break again. So, I have decided to go cold turkey. I will not drink any pop at all and will not eat out during the season of Lent. Ideally this will help me to get over the habit.

I think besides my Lenten goals my week is going to be pretty low key. I'm basically spending my evenings working out after work and watching the Olympics. I will admit that I did skip my workout last night. However, I'm feeling really guilty about that, which I think is a good sign so I'm going to make sure I get to work every night the rest of the week after work.

OK, enjoy your Fat Tuesday ladies, have something terrible for yourself today :) And then have a successful remainder of the week!


LeAnn said...

Congratulations on your church choice. I was just telling Jenny that I wish I would go back to church. I feel really guilty, but Sunday mornings are so valuable for more sleep. And if I go to the late service, I will miss coffee at the nursing home with my grandma and relatives. I'm not sure what will happen in the church department.

Even though my b-day is tomorrow, I brought treats today. I thought it was oddly appropriate to bring treats on Fat Tuesday, and I didn't want to offend anyone by bringing them tomorrow. I did well. After making 24 brownies and 30 cookies, I have only ate two brownies (one per day). Not too shabby.

Good luck with cutting out pop and eating out. For some reason I think not eating out will be your hardest challenge. I stopped drinking pop over a month ago(maybe longer, I can't remember) and I haven't had much trouble. Jason and I have drastically lowered our meals out. We basically said once a week. It really feels like a reward when you wait all week and get that yummy meal.

Well, time to hit the sack. Busy day tomorrow.

Nicole said...

You might want to try a church with Saturday night service. A lot of the time it's around 5 or 5:30 so it doesn't really get in the way of your day stuff or evening plans. On the plus side, you still get to sleep in on Sunday and have coffee with your grandma and relative. I know how important that is not only to you but I'm sure you're grandma lives for her Sunday coffees!

project.100.gone said...

I read this entry days ago but neglected to comment. Kudos on giving up something for lent. Makes me wonder what my mom is giving up (she's Catholic). I haven't given anything up for lent for years. I guess I hadn't considered it this year either.

You picked great things to give up though. I really don't miss pop and when I have it once in awhile, it's such a nice treat.

Kim is going to be engaged?