Tuesday, February 16, 2010



Well after another unsuccessful week (in my head) I must say that my addiction to food sucks. Something needs to change....something has got to give. I have some ideas about how to jump start the lifestyle change I want so badly.

--look into seeing a dietitian offered through ISU since those types of services are offered to faculty and staff

--start journaling on a daily basis so I can track my eating habits, emotions, exercise, etc.

--join Weight Watchers so I have more accountability

--plan out my menus for EVERY day of the week

I know Weight Watchers hasn't been a success for me in the past. But I do know that 1-2 months of the program has always been success for me and is a good jump start to curbing my portions and dropping a little bit of weight. I usually fall off the wagon around 16 weeks in the program.

I'm nervous about contacting a dietitian due to my profession and education. I hate the thought of being judged.

I think creating menus (therefore shopping in a structured manner) and journaling will give me the organization I need at home. It's become obvious that my disorganization with meals and shopping leads to spontaneous, impulsive decisions that typically aren't healthy. Those decisions may lead to delicious food but it's not contributing to the goals I want to accomplish. I've felt out of control lately. I'm sick of feeling that way.


project.100.gone said...

Sorry about your unsuccessful week. It's really hard to come around when you've had a lot of defeat lately. Remember though, a few steps in the right direction are a great start. I like that you've considered talking to a dietitian. I think it's a really great idea. I know it's a bit scary, I wouldn't want to be judged either, but I'm guessing that you'll be really surprised at how non-judgemental most dietitians are. I think you owe it to yourself to give it a try.

WW is a viable option. It has been really good for you in the past as a starting point and that's what you really need, some place to start. If nothing else you do have the accountability to them which will help you be more honest with yourself.

I recently heard about another concept for accountability you might think about if you don't want to do WW. I guess there is a trend for people to take pictures of everything they eat in a day, either with their cellphone or camera and either post them to a website or blog. That way you will:

a) take time to take a picture and ideally think about what you're going to eat before you do so. If you're not hungry then you won't.

b)be totally honest with yourself about what you're eating

c) be accountable to the people who are reading your blog/e-mail about food.

I don't know if this is something you'd like to try but it's a thought.

Good luck getting going.

LeAnn said...

There are so many challenges. Getting started is definitely one, keeping the diet and exercise going is another, and so on. For me, I started exercising first. Then, after that routine started, I started to look at what I was eating. I'm not sure how practical it is to jump into both dieting and exercising at once. It's quite the shock to the system, and it makes it easier to give up.

Good luck with WW; I have no real idea how successful it is, but you've done it so you know. Talking to a dietician could be good. Trying something different is a good step. I don't like being judged either, so kudos for bravery. Nicole's idea sounds interesting. Since I started my work-out and diet stuff, I've noticed that I am much more thirsty than ever. Plus I talk a lot more since I am teaching too, but try upping your liquids to get that full feeling. I'm currently in love with Diet V8 Splash. If you look at the label it's not half bad for you. Alrighty!