Thursday, November 5, 2009


I don't know how you feel about applesauce but I really enjoy it. Now, I wouldn't consider myself an applesauce aficionado or anything, however, I do have very particular ideas about what applesauce should be. If it's homemade, I love it to be sweet with lots of cinnamon and spice and it should be warm and a little chunky. If it's store bought, I won't buy anything that has added sugar...I just don't like the sweetness in this style. Anyway, Mott makes the most wonderful no sugar added individual cups in a variety of flavors. Blueberry used to be my favorite but it might have a little competition. At a recent sojourn to the grocery store, I stumbled across the new cran-raspberry applesauce and it is very tastey! I especially like the little cups because they are a good for me and easy to bring snack to work. I always love finding new things that are yummy and healthy!

Besides finding my new applesuace things have been pretty slow this week. I have been eating in and am very excited that soup and casserole season is upon us once again. I love this time of year because some of my favoite foods are so weather approptiate. I think I might make some homemade chicken and noodles this weekend! On the down side my mamma is not feeling well. I finally convinced her to go to the ER on Tuesday night. She had been running a high grade fever for 3 days even though she had been taking meds for it (it was 104 when I talked to her), chills, body aches etc. They told her that she doesn't have H1N1 but that she has atypical pneumonia which means that she has everything but the coughing. They put her through 1 round of IV antibiotics and the hooked her up to some IV fluids (she wasn't drinking and got super dehydrated). They sent her home with some oral meds and she's feeling a little bit better...whew! I was tempted to go home and make some chicken soup for her :)

Alright, I don't have much more to report. I hope all is well and thay you're staying healthy! Take care and drink lots of fluids even if you aren't sick! Hydration is a key to staying healthy!!


LeAnn said...

Wow, I didn't know so much could be said about applesauce. I have been buying it in the cups too so that I can bring them for lunch. I will confess that I buy the sweetened kind. I usually get the generic brand of strawberry applesauce. You can shake your head at me. Anywho, I do like the applesauce too. I don't know if I've ever had homemade applesauce though.
Sorry to hear about your mom. It's kind've scary that she's been sick with such a high fever for so long. It's good she got rehydrated and on some meds. I got a sore throat Sunday night and I have been battling that with a painful cough. Tuesday I had a fever, but I went to bed super early and that helped. It's just a nasty time of year for health. Fluids, sleep, and exercise should do the trick!

project.100.gone said...

Applesauce does rule. I buy both the sweetened and unsweetened kinds. I like adding my own cinnamon to it and warming it up. Hickory Park offers it as a side warmed up and it's so good. It's obvious that they add sugar or sweetener to their applesauce so it's difficult for me to recreate at home. I love the chunky style though.

The amount of sickness going around is just plain scary and it's not even considered to be flu season yet! I can't believe how many people are running high grade fevers. I'm glad your Mom went to the ER. It's another reason to stay active, exercise regularly, eat the proper nutrients, and stay hydrated (as Nicole recommended too). Gotta keep those immune systems prepared.