Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reading for Pleasure!

Hey Ladies-

So reading for pleasure rules. I'm currently reading about one book per week. I've been primarily reading Jodi Picoult material.

A few weeks ago I read her book "The Tenth Circle". It's about a teenage girl that is raped by her boyfriend and her boyfriend is murdered. It's very interesting because the father is a comic book creator in the story, so comic strips appear in the book. It wasn't my favorite book by her because the characters go up to Alaska so the story drags a little bit.

I also read her book titled "The Pact". A long-time couple are found after attempting to commit suicide together. The girl dies, the boy survives. This story actually held my attention well. The couple actually grew up next door to each other so the families are very close. The story takes a twist because the boyfriend is charged with homicide rather than considering the situation a double suicide attempt. The story behind the violence is quite interesting.

After reading a lot of her novels, I switched gears and read "The Neverending Story". It is one of my favorite childhood movies. I read the book when I was a teenager but never enjoyed it as much as the movie. The book has much more detail and the character names can get crazy. As an adult I was able to comprehend all parts of the book so it was an excellent read. There are two movies actually and the book combines "The Neverending Story" and "The Neverending Story II".

I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's "Change of Heart". It's about a family that is devastated with murder. A handyman murders a little girl and her father (a policeman). The criminal displays eerie religious powers while in jail and people start to think he's Jesus. He gets a lawyer because he wants to be an organ donor after he's executed for his crime. He can't get lethal injection though if he is going to donate his heart. He wants to be hung. Here's the twist...the family that lost the little girl and father will be the family receiving the heart. The criminal wants the remaining child to receive his heart and surprisingly it's a perfect match and size (despite him being an adult). The remaining child has a heart problem that requires a heart transplant. They are currently in court battling over the right of him being an organ donor and not being executed with lethal injection.

Next on my list is the biography of Judy Garland. Wizard of Oz triggered that interest. Plus I've heard that her childhood was very messed up so that intrigues me too.

We should consider all reading the same book sometime and do a little book club thing....what do you think?


Nicole said...

I'm so happy that you've had time to read. I think reading the same book is an interesting idea, however we should probably table to idea until after the holidays! Any suggestions???

LeAnn said...

Well, aren't we quite the reader?! I'm not sure about reading Jodi Picoult (spellin?). She is one of those authors I'm afraid to read, no logic behind it as usual. I like the book club idea. My only concern is that we probably read at different rates and right now I am in the middle of The Time Traveler's Wife so I don't know when I'll be done. It might be hard to choose a book that we will all enjoy too. Just FYI. Those are just my concerns. I know for a fact that I couldn't read The Neverending Story as fast as you.