Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Ladies, I would first like to start off by apologizing to you for being a blog slacker. I do realize that I haven't written anything in 2 weeks and that's just not right! Assuming that you forgive me, and you're such lovely ladies I can't imagine that you wouldn't I shall continue my blogging today!

I'm sad to see October go. I love October so very much but this year it didn't even feel like we had one. There were rarely any days of perfect October weather, you know what I'm talking about..cool, sunny, crisp and amazing. Instead we got a whole heaping dose of wet, dreary and dismal. Oh well, we've had a few really nice days lately so maybe November will be the October I wanted!!

Things have been going well lately. For some reason, and while I don't know where it came from I refuse to question it, I have had a lot of inspiration towards the cause as of late. I've been doing a lot of cooking at home, menu planning and good eating. I'm like Jenny though, I've got to get the salt cravings under control. I can handle sweets but the salt cravings are very hard to control some times. I've found though, that instead of looking towards things like chips and other salty foods when I'm having these cravings that I can substitute fresh veggies. I really like sliced cucumbers with salt on them. I know that the salt decreases the healthfulness but I figure if I'm craving salt would I rather it be on some fresh veggies or some fried chips. I'm really working to find ways to include the things I enjoy in my diet but keep everything on the healthier side of the line. I know that this is the only way for me to have success.

Ladies, I must admit one serious issue. My battle against pop is not going so well. Last year I went for 2 months without any pop, now I'm lucky if I can go 2 days. I need to get to a point where I simply don't allow myself to buy it. I don't know why this is so hard but has been a big struggle. As of right now that is my primary concern. I need to stop with the pop.

Alright, I know that this hasn't been the most enthralling blog that I've ever written but I need to get back to work so I'll have to amaze and inspire you with a blog later this week! Stay strong and good luck getting back into the swing of things ladies...we can do this is we just stick together!!


project.100.gone said...

Woohoo happy to hear from you! Pop is a biotch. I have about one pop a week and I consider that fine now. Sometimes I go about 2 weeks. I decided that cutting it out of my life completely wasn't going to work...I always reintroduce it at some point. It's kind of like other junk food...they don't have to be completely removed...just need some moderation!

I agree...October flew by. I was so busy and I didn't enjoy it as much as I wanted. We didn't get to Ledges for hiking. At least we hiked a bit by Waukon. But you're right, the weather wasn't horribly conducive.

I've had some good thoughts and ideas about the lifestyle changes I need to focus on...I know I can switch gears. I also feel very empowered even though the holidays are just around the corner.

LeAnn said...

Thanks for the tator-tot casserole recipe. I'll have to schedule it on my menu. I have definitely missed you, I was getting worried. I think the colder weather makes it more enticing to cook. I recently made chili, which was perfect for the chilly temps.
I'm facing a similar pop issue. I'm actually not drinking very much pop, but as of lately I have been craving something cold with caffeine while working at school. It's getting hard to ignore. We'll see how the whole pop thing works out. My only suggestion for you, which probably doesn't help, is to use the drink mixes that you can pour into a bottle of water. I like them and they make drinking water more interesting.
October was a so-so month for me so I'm mostly happy that November has come. Daylight Savings Time ending was nice too. While it sucks that it's getting colder outside, maybe that will help us stay on task and on target for eating and losing weight. I don't know if that makes sense, but it sort've does for me. I think I have a fever so that might explain the weirdness.
Hope to hear more from you soon.