Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Day of Femininity

Hey Ladies-

Well yesterday was my day off. I did go into work for a small period of time (kind of pissed that I even went to my office). Gavin wanted to play with a professor's son but they barely played. I could have stayed home and gotten more done I think.

We slept in and I did some cleaning here at the building since it's my duty to keep the hallways clean. It's been more difficult since people are constantly tracking in leaves. Gavin is helping a little more with the cleaning because he's trying to save up some money. I did the majority of the cleaning this morning...gotta love hauling a heavy industrial vacuum up and down stairs.

Gavin and I got our hair cuts yesterday at the beauty school here in Ames. I wanted a little more length cut off. Now when my hair gets just a little bit longer I find it annoying. I cannot believe I had it down to my shoulders last year. I got ambitious and also had them wax my eyebrows and upper lip. The upper lip situation in my family (primarily my Mom's side of the family) scares me to death. The only person that should be working on a mustache in this household is Gavin. I am really pleased with my eyebrows. I have a hard time tweezing the outsides of my eyebrows so they've always been thicker than desired. They really shaped them up nice and it didn't hurt horribly. The upper lip waxing was more painful but I expected that. It was tolerable though but I was rather red for an hour or so.

I also treated myself to an hour massage with my friend Leah. She's been my massage therapist for years. Michael would treat me to them about once a month when he was alive but after he passed away my visits to her became very infrequent. I considered my massage yesterday to be my "birthday massage". Her prices have gone up this year so it will take me even longer now to save up for the next one. She's got magic hands though. I realized yesterday that I had a huge knot in my right hamstring and she worked it out in no time. Stupid hamstrings. I'd curse them but they're pretty important for walking so I better be nice.

Gavin and I ran to the mall too. He wanted to look at the video games at Game Stop. Oh by the way, he didn't have school yesterday or Thursday. I wasn't letting him play hooky. My only intention at the mall was to get my watch batteries replaced and to look around the Hallmark Store. Both of my watches had their batteries conk out days apart from each other and I've been going nuts not having a watch on my wrist. Some things at the Hallmark store were very alluring too. They have a musical Christmas decoration thingy (Peanuts theme) on sale when you buy Hallmark cards. They have a different one every year....usually snowmen singing, etc. This year they have Snoopy playing a piano with Woodstock sitting on the piano. I love Charlie Brown stuff but I passed it up. I then found stuffed Peanuts characters that played music or recited verses from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. They had Linus!! He's my favorite character. The stupid thing cost $13 so I put it back too.

We parked by JC Penney so we had to cut through it when entering and exiting the mall. On the way in, I noticed that a ton of purses were on sale. One section caught my eye. It was the Nicole Miller purses and they are a larger style. I'm pretty sure it's the colors that caught my eye because most of them were pretty non-traditional. All of them appealed to me actually because the blue was pretty, the mustard-colored yellow looked cool, and the orange was eye-catching. I ended up buying myself a purse too and went with the orange one. Technically it's apricot in color but it looks orange. I still don't love large purses but now I can carry my coupon book with me and I think my large digital camera can fit too.

We are trying to clean and perhaps hang some more things on the wall in the apartment today before our "game night" at 6pm. I have so many things I want to get done and I'm quite unorganized so far. At least the hallways are clean in the building. Happy Saturday!


LeAnn said...

I'm not sure how I feel about your title, "A Day of Femininity." Purses and grooming your body is not necessarily feminine. I'm worried about the mustache problem too. I have been bleaching, but I don't think it works. I could use a massage too, Jason rarely massages me. As you know I pretty much cut my own hair so it's always at a length I want.
I was totally spacing when you showed me your purse. I kind've forgot that your purses are usually intensely small so it's a big deal that your new one is quite large. Apricot-orange is a jazzy color too, so you'll stick out and not be so neutral. Kudos for not impulse buying at Hallmark and wherever else. Keep discipling yourself money-wise and food-wise.
It sounds like your cleaning is a good source of exercise too. I would get Gavin to help as much as possible so maybe some day he can do 99% of it as a chore - save you time and earn him some $$. Tomorrow will be my cleaning and organizing day. It's good you had some fun this weekend! So when is your day of masculinity?? LoL.

project.100.gone said...

I'm glad that you've had a nice weekend...saw the purse in person when I was in Penny's today it is a very nice bag...I'm a little jealous!

I have the mustache thing too. I've been waxing for years. I would love to tell you that it gets less horrible because the eyebrows don't bother me at all anymore but the lip is always awful in my experience (I might just be a whipm though because I do flinch). I love how I look after a wax but I am a bleeder so I can't ever do anything after for a while...ick.

I agree with LeAnn, the lugging of the vacuum sounds like some good resistance training!