Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Day 7...

well technically it's day 9 but I haven't had a chance to blog about day 7 yet. Day 7 is the first time I've stepped on the scale since I've gotten back in the swing of things...lost 1 pound. I do realize that this is well within the normal fluctuation point but I'm not going to worry about that. I was really pleased with how my last week went in regards to eating. I cooked at home and ate well. The only time I didn't cook was Friday night when I grabbed a pizza but I figure that by doing well all week I've earned the right to have a treat on Friday evening. I'm sticking to my not eating out this week and it hasn't really been difficult to do. I've planned my menus and made sure that I was making things that I would like to eat. I know that I've only been on track for about 7 days but I'm taking this 1 day at a time.

Last week was all about resetting my eating habits. This week I'm focusing on adding exercise back into the mix on a regular basis. In the past I've always tried to exercise 3'ish' days per week. I've realized though, that that's crap. The time length and intensity of the workouts makes it possible necessary to workout everyday. There is no reason that I can't take the time to do a 20 minute workout once every day. Right now I'm coming home, heading straight to my room and changing and coming out and working out. I'm trying to eliminate distractions. No phone calls, no checking my computer for messages...nothing! If I want to reach my goals, and I DO want to reach my goals, I need to really commit to making this happen. Again, it's only day 3 since I've added the exercise back in so I don't want to get all cocky but like I said, taking it 1 day at a time and I feel really great!

Alright, I Jenny's last post she talked about honesty and she made a really good point. If I can't be honest with myself and you, I can't be honest with anybody. So, here are some honest observations for you all.

-Like Jenny, I don't like the way I look. I've never had a real issue before but when I gained back the weight I lost I started to feel really bad about my appearance.

-I will never be comfortable dating at my current weight. I think about it sometimes and I just don't think I would ever think that the guy would be into me because of my weight. I know that I'm a catch but I can't get over my appearance. If I can't, how can I expect any man to?

-I started doing my Dance Workouts for Dummies video again and I'm whipped when I'm done with the 20 minute workout. The workouts are not that difficult. It's a sign that I need to get my butt in gear.

-I turn to food for too much. When I'm bored, sad, lonely, underwhelmed...basically I turn to it for companionship which is really, really bad. I'm not happy here but I can't use that as an excuse to eat myself to death. I need to find better ways to deal with my unhappiness.

OK...I think that's good for today. I actually need to go grab some lunch. Have a great day ladies!


LeAnn said...

First of all, I like your organization and structure with your weight loss plan. Using one week to get back on track with eating and this week to get back on track with exercising. Going day by day is also smart, it helps motivate you and hopefully you won't have to go day by day eventually because it will have become a routine or habit by then.
It's good you are sticking to your menus too. You said it's been difficult to not eat out as much as you used to, that shows that you probably ate out quite a bit more than you should have, especially since you were so used to it. No offense. Jason and I have been planning our weekly menus which helps with the decision-making and our eating.
I hope you keep up the good program you've got yourself on and keep being honest with yourself.

project.100.gone said...

Oh, no offense taken. I was most definitely eating out far too often. But I've really focused on why I was eating out so much and I've used that info in planning my meals at home.

Thanks for the helps me to stick to my goals if I have a clear plan and don't look too far ahead. I hope to someday have it as habit so I don't have to plan.

project.100.gone said...

Oh how I envy your good start for days 1-9. It's provided more motivation for this gal to get her diet in order and her butt moving more often.

I still need to get a handle on eating out. It actually stems back to other habits in my life. I'm often triggered to eat out at the end of my day because I'm exhausted. But if I slept better and exercised more, I'd probably have more energy at night....therefore I could cook some wonderful meals at home.

I really like how you get home from work, get the necessary exercise stuff in order, and get right to it. I need to ignore more in my life (like my email or household stuff that an wait) so I focus on exercise in the morning or evening.

I'm sure I'll have some more honesty to admit to myself and others via this blog soon. It's refreshing (and sometimes scary) to see things written out but it makes them more of a reality then.