Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 1...

Happy Tuesday ladies. I hope that you're both having a nice start to your week. I would be having a much happier time if I could just shake this icky cough/congestion in my chest. I shouldn't complain because there are many who are much sicker than me but it's hard to be objective when you don't feel the greatest. And while all I really want to do is take a nap, I've decided to blog instead!

Confession time:

I finally stepped on the scale...ick! I haven't stepped on the scale in a while because when the needle isn't going the way I want it to, I'm less inclined to do so. It was bad. I am officially back at the weight I was when we started blogging last fall. This is not good. That means that those wonderful 25 pounds that I lost are all back...AHHH!!! OK, confession over.

Question: Why did my 25 pounds come back?

Answer: Because I have no discipline. That's it. It's the only reason that I gained the weight back.


Game-Plan: Keep plugging away 1 day at a time.

Today, for all intents and purposes is day 1 for me. Let's face it, I'm right back where I started so I need to treat this as the beginning again. Here are some of the things that I've started working on...again.

-NO pop. At this time I am not drinking it at all. I need to stop craving pop and the only way to stop the cravings is to completely cut it out.

-NO eating out. I've gotten back to making a menu, planning meals, paying attention to portions etc. This is becoming easier because I have no money to spend on eating out! I will save eating out for rare occasions!

-STOP night time snaking! This is a hard one for me. It's night, I get bored, I eat. I need to not use eating as a form of entertainment. I've put up some motivational reminders in the kitchen on the cupboard door and the fridge so that I am less tempted to snack inappropriately.

-GET my ass moving. You know, the last thing I want to do when I get home from a long day at work is do some more work. However, I have to. I need to get back into the habit of exercising most days of the week. I was doing really well for a while. It's dark when I get home now so walking outside isn't an option...I don't feel safe walking alone by myself in the dark. That means I either need to use the exercise facility at my apartment complex or use the treadmill here at work. I also need to work on flexibility. I've noticed that I'm getting really tight in my lower back and it's because I never work on flexibility anymore. I think I might start getting up 10 minutes earlier and stretch.

-START journaling again. I need to start keeping better tabs on what I'm doing. I haven't journaled since March...MARCH!! So, I broke out the journal last night and started writing again.

Alright, that's what I've got so far. Along with my game plan above, I've also asked a few more people to help keep my in check. My sister and I are going to start cooking together twice a week. One night I'll pick the recipe and one night she will. That way, we know we're eating in and it will help us incorporate more variety into our meal plans because we both cook very differently. My mom has also decided to help me too. She's going to call me a few times a week to just check in on progress. I figure she's knows better than anybody what we're going through. She's lost almost 100 pounds and has kept it off for years. She fluctuates but she always gets back down.

OK, my lunch is over in a few minutes so I should finish up. Good luck with your week ladies. Stay healthy!!


LeAnn said...

Wow! Quite the blog. A good confession is healthy now and then. Sorry to hear about the bad news though. It sounds like you really have made some immediate changes and decisions. Involving more people might make you more accountable and it always helps to have someone to talk to and keep you in check.
I didn't realize that you hadn't journaled since March. The notes and reminders on the cupboards about late night snacking is a clever idea. I definitely hear you about the exercise. It gets dark so early nowadays so doing something outside is scary and impractical. I know of a high school teacher that has like three or four kids (one of which is in high school) and she finds time to run 3-4 miles almost daily. It's crazy! Her kids are in wrestling and swimming, then she is a coach of track and speech. How does she find the time??!! I'm starting to think that if she can do it, why can't I? I won't be running 3-4 miles daily anytime soon, but I should be able to half of that. For me, I think it is the monthly fee for using the local wellness center that puts me off. I have a very low budget and I currently can't afford $48/per month. I might ask for a few months worth of the wellness center for Christmas. I just want to make sure I am willing to put forth the time and effort before I ask "Santa" for such a gift.
Anyway, I hope Day 1 leads to many healthy, active days until Day 9, 847,345. :) Or at least Day 365. Good luck . . . be strong against those problem foods and drinks!

Nicole said...

LeAnn, I love that you think I'm going to live for like 30,000 years!!! At this point I'll be ecstatic to make it to day 365 but I think I'm going to go with a single day approach because it helps me to focus a little more.

I hate how expensive it can be be to take care of yourself. It costs a lot of money to join fitness centers and eating well costs more than eating poorly. I think you're right though, if your teacher friend can find the time in her day to run 3-4 miles with all of her other responsibilities I should be able to get my butt in gear.

project.100.gone said...

It sounds like we are plagued by the same thing...being human. We have a difficult time adhering to changes that aren't super comfortable and easy. I took am not exercising. I'm not eating well. (also not sleeping well which is related) I need to designate my Day 1 too. I've determined that losing weight and fixing my lifestyle is more of a mental work out than a physical one. I know my body could tolerate the changes but my mindset doesn't want to sustain the change!