Sunday, October 4, 2009

One day at a time...

Happy Sunday ladies! I hope that you have both had time for rest and relaxation this weekend. All in all, I've had a very nice weekend. Yesterday morning I was up early and volunteered my time at the Young ICD Conference (for kids with implanted cardio defibrillators) here in town. It's a conference that the hospital does every year for young men and women who have ICDs. They have speakers (usually kids and teens) talk about experiences that led to the implantation of their device (usually somebody arrested and was saved through emergency response) and also have speakers who talk about receiving shocks once the device is implanted. It was a really great experience and I can't wait to help out again next year! I didn't even mind getting up before the chickens!

Today has been a slow day. I slept in which was amazing and got up and cleaned my apartment. I have been needing to do a good cleaning for some time and accomplished that today. I feel full of energy and I can't decided it it's because I got enough sleep this weekend or if it's the pot of coffee that I drank this morning :) The rest of my day is devoted to laundry and making a pizza for dinner...yum!

I am happy to report that my primary goal is coming along well. I haven't had any pop and really haven't had much of a desire. I want to keep that as my primary goal for the month of October just to make sure that I get the craving under control before I allow small amounts into my diet. I have no intentions of never drinking pop again but I really want to reserve it for random occasions. Along with my lack of pop drinking, I will also continue to keep up my cooking at home. It's going pretty well but there is still room for improvement!

I've decided that in order to maintain my progress I need to stop focusing on the ultimate, yet very distant overall goal. I really seem to do better when I focus on things 1 day at a time. When they have them out in stores again, I want to get a day planner so that I can do daily goals and keep tabs of things on a daily basis.

Alright, I should get back to my laundry! I hope you have a great week and enjoy the lovely fall weather (assuming the lovely fall weather comes back)!


LeAnn said...

Happy Sunday to you too. It sounds as though you are in a much better mood then me, no offense. I think I over did it on the sleep so I'm in the funk where I feel tired, but I am not. It's my own fault, I know. The conference sounds very cool and the type to pull your heartstrings. I think it's excellent that you volunteered for a good cause like that. You get karma points.
Today has indeed been a slow day, but I'm happy about it. I watched some football with Jason and his parents (Go Colts!) and now I'm doing the homework stuff. I'm naturally freaking out about the big paper, it's such a stress source. I'm also trying to plan for my week since I'm full-time teaching again, go me!
It's a good idea that you are concentrating on one goal, it makes it easier to remember and keep on top of. I'm a big believer and user of planners. I use mine daily (for student teaching of course), but I plan on using one forever. It's a datebook, to do list, and everything that I need it to be. I think when I get some stuff settled/done in regards to student teaching I am going to focus on setting weekly goals and increase the difficulty as I go. Right now my mind is completely frazzled from this stupid paper. In regards to your comment on fall weather, I would sincerely appreciate temperatures in the sixties and some sunlight. This cold, wet crap is getting old!

project.100.gone said...


Short term goals are the bomb. I've been teaching this concept to my PE students since most of them think that a student has to show skills perfect by the end of every lesson. It's important to break things into parts so at some point in the future they equal a whole....or in our case a major goal. I think the fact that we want to see fast, quick results with our lifestyle changes doesn't help our patience with making small goals. But hey, we're all educated women and we know what works best for making a sustainable change.

I'm excited to blog again, and I'm sort of caught up with work so I need to get my butt in gear.