Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hey Ladies-

Finally blogging again!! About time huh? Well I've had a great couple days. My mom and youngest sister are visiting. They arrived Thursday night and will be leaving Sunday afternoon after lunch. Thursday was pretty low key since I was tired from working most of the day and running Swim & Gym until 6pm. I got to showcase my scalloped potatoes and ham in the crockpot though.

We went down to Des Moines to shop on Friday. I did a good job of managing my money. We went to Lane Bryant and they had some gorgeous, fancy clothes. I almost bought some but decided that I wouldn't wear them enough to benefit from the purchase. They were too fancy to wear to work. I splurged on some more candles at Bath and Body because they have some great fall scents. I finally found some good sunglasses too. I've needed them all year. We dined at Macaroni Grill. I wanted to introduce it to my family since it always impresses me. Very tasty.

We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house Friday night for supper. Afterward Alissa and I went to the Haunted Forest. It was pretty decent this year. Very worth the money. I seriously consider the act of visiting scary and "haunted" places to be a hobby of mine. I cannot wait until I can travel to different states and visit famous places....including Michigan! We are leaving in about an hour to go across town for Trick-or-Treating. We always go to west Ames to our other Aunt's house because the neighborhood is safer.

After lunch today we went on a great walk through some of the parks in Ames. We had Chinese for lunch so it felt wonderful to keep moving. If I had just gone home, I know I would have napped. It reminded me that Gavin and I should be out walking more often and enjoying the crisp fall weather. Shame on me.

I've had some good thinking time this weekend. With family visiting, I've not allowed myself to work so much. I've been thinking about some feasible goals to start accomplishing. I'm sick of being overweight. I'm sick of getting winded. I'm sick of not liking how clothes fit. I need to make those goals, stick to the goals, and get back on the right track again. It will be interesting to do so when we have a bowl of candy here. Willpower will be a great challenge but I can do it. Luckily I haven't been craving sweets for awhile. It's those darn salty snacks that lure me.

Hope you're both doing well and enjoying this holiday! I love Halloween!


LeAnn said...

Sounds like a good weekend. I'm all about using weekends to catch up on household stuff, sleep, and the almighty to-do list. So when Jason and I left for Rochester, MN, yesterday, I had a hard time not complaining about all the time we'd be wasting. In this aspect I think I am a hard worker. I like to use free time productively (usually). Anyway, Jason and I had a pretty good time in Rochester. We did very minimal shopping and spent the rest of the day at Jason's friends' place watching scary movies, snacking, and a few drinks. I would think you and Nicole would be proud. With tons of Halloween candy around and other stuff, I barely snacked. Honestly, I don't know why. Maybe it was having people around and not wanting to be a piggy. We had a delicious supper made by the wife of Jason's friend (she's a very good cook, which makes me look bad) that filled me. I had a total of two alcoholic drinks over a span of 10 hours so I think that's pretty moderate. OH! Jason dressed up as a biker (trying to be Arnold Swartzneggar from Terminator) and I threw on an old baseball uniform I had so I was a baseball player (I will probably post a pic on my blog sometime soon). I'm not big on the dressing up thing so I was a pretty good sport for the day/night. Anyway, sorry I couldn't join the Smith festivities in Ames, but hopefully Jason and I have a similarly good time when we visit. It's good you guys were fairly active this weekend too! Thanks for the Halloween card and interesting text message. :) Let's all try to have a healthy, active November! Ready . . . GO! *Sound of a track pistol going off!*

project.100.gone said...

I'm so glad that you had such a great Halloween...I too love the holiday. My day was pretty low-key...watched scary movies and a truly terrifying football game...thank goodness it ended the way I wanted it too.

I don't know what's up with the feeling but I too feel like November is going to be a good month. I'm really inspired and have been doing well. I know that most people don't like this time of year when trying to lose weight because of all of the big holiday feasts but I'm going to be alone in Michigan for Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years so I can avoid the crazy over indulgence. I really feel like using that to my advantage!

Sorry I've been AWOL for the last 2 weeks...I'm back now!