Friday, September 18, 2009

Yet another reason to get a good nights sleep!

Let me start off by saying HAPPY FRIDAY! It's been a long week and I am ready for a little R and R! My workload today is going to be pretty light which always seems to make a Friday go a lot slower. I was checking my normal news sights this morning and I ran into a few tips on weight loss and healthy lifestyles that I felt you ladies might be interested.

Did you know that our hectic lifestyles (applied to the population in whole, not just us) is one of the many reasons that obesity has become a huge issue in the U.S.? There is a newly published study that has shown a relationship to increased eating and lack of sleep. From the article that I read:

According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, people who slept only four hours a night for two nights had an 18 percent decrease in leptin (a hormone that signals the brain that the body has had enough to eat) and a 28 percent increase in ghrelin (a hormone that triggers hunger), compared with those who got more rest. The result: Sleep-deprived study volunteers reported a 24 percent boost in appetite. Short sleep can also impair glucose metabolism and over time set the stage for type 2 diabetes.

So, what do we do? First, and most obviously, we should get more sleep. The researchers suggested getting anywhere from 7-9 hours of sleep each night. However, they did note that this is not always possible or even practical and went on to say that you should make smart choices in the event of insufficient sleep. When we're tired we crave carbs...perhaps this is why breakfast foods tend to be 'carb-centric!' Instead of grabbing a donut or candy reach for complex carbs and protein. You'll still get the boost you need from complex carbs and you'll remain satisfied for longer due to the protein and the increased digestion time of the complex carbs. It is also suggested that short bouts of exercise can help to decrease the cravings. A 10-minute walk outside is an easy and fast way to increase your energy without partaking in any extra calories. The last suggestion was to get the best sleep possible by sleeping in a very dark and quiet room that is a comfortable temperature. They also suggest limiting activities in your bedroom to 2 things: sleep and sex!

I also was reading another article that suggests using the scent of peppermint to help curb your appetite. The article didn't name the source that it was using so who know's if it's real but apparently there is something in in the scent of peppermint that triggers the release of an enzyme in your brain that allows you to feel satiated. So, if you're feeling more wholistic grab a reed diffuser and some pepperment essential oil and go to town!

Alright ladies, there are my words of wisdom for today. I hope that you have a great weekend and lots of success accomplishing any goals that you might have!


LeAnn said...

I have always known that I am a person that needs at least 8 hours of sleep. Jason always scoffs when I say that, he believes it's seven or less that we need. It might be enough for him, but I know that 8-9 hours is the best amount for me. I think I have perfected my best sleeping environment. I like it very dark, loudest noise allowed is a fan, and the temperature has to be on the cooler side so that I can snuggled up under my blanket.

Eating, especially when hungry, is a whole other subject. I do not have that mastered yet. I started the year off so well with moderate, healthy eating, but now I feel like I am hungry all the time and when I am legitimately hungry I don't have good food near by and when I am looking for a snack I always have a plethora of food near by, mostly junk food. Oh well. It's a work in progress.

Have a good weekend!! I'm so looking forward to at least an extra hour of sleep tonight. Yippee!

project.100.gone said...

We all know already that my sleep habits tend to suck. I admit things have improved now at our new residence. I don't have the tv anymore in my bedroom. The only activity that keeps me up later than I should be is reading. I typically lay in bed and read each night. The time just slips away and I tend to read books I cannot put down.

I've been so drained and tired after work some days and I still nap around 6-8pm. That obviously throws off my sleep schedule too. Some nights I know I could fight off the urge to nap....but some evenings I do really need to lie down. I appreciate the information about leptin levels and other hormone stuff.