Friday, September 4, 2009


The nature of this entry is negative because I need to vent. Fortunately I've had time to calm down and relax so hopefully this doesn't sound like a rant.

First of all, I was very organized today and ready by 3pm to leave for Waukon. Just needed Gavin to arrive around 3:45pm when the bus dropped him off. Everything was loaded in the car. And yea....the car wouldn't start. I think I just need a new battery and hopefully my uncle can help me get a new one in the morning. It pays to have family here that know a lot about automotives.

Secondly, I'm too lazy. I have not resumed my treadmill program. I shouldn't even say resumed.....I need to restart it completely to build my endurance! Grrr....I know better! I could even be biking to work too!

Thirdly, I've totally been eating to curb my emotions this week. I've been eating to feel better whether it's for stress, frustration, etc. I overate tonight too since I was pissed off about my car. I do great during the day....I watch my portions and I don't snack. But when I get home at turns into a buffet experience. I eat what I want and as much as I want. I usually end up feeling miserable because I eat too much crap. I feel out of control sometimes and it's ridiculous. I really need to start using some strategies so I stop and think before anything goes in my mouth. I may start journaling or making some sort of checklist so I can identify why I'm eating.

Needless to say, I hope the rest of my weekend goes better. I get paranoid when stuff like this happens because I expect a trend to occur. I don't want the weekend to go more downhill. Especially with the things I have planned. I get to see family, my friend Marie, and Nicole!! We had planned on attending the Waukon Vs Maquokota football game tonight. My car made me miss football :(

Hopefully this will be my last entry until next week because my butt better be in Waukon tomorrow.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Good news, you're in Waukon. As you know I have had my fair share of car problems so I can totally relate. It sucks that they always happen when you need them the least. Waukon lost to Maquoketa anyway so you didn't miss much there. I know you had supper with Marie tonight and you'll be seeing Nicole tomorrow so I'm sure the rest of your weekend will be a delightful time.
It's unfortunate to hear that your treadmill and supper meals aren't going well. I would agree that you needed something to keep you in check. Whatever makes you stop and think before eating and whatever rewards you or encourages you to spend some time on your treadmill. I wish I had an eliptical. I'm sure you can burn some calories dancing at the wedding you're going to. Anywho, I'm sure I'll be seeing you tomorrow for brunch. Ta ta!