Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Wednesday already!?!?

WOW! This week has been flying. I can't believe that it's almost 11 on Wed. I don't know where the days go anymore. I have had a pretty good week so far. I was up way too late on Sunday night because I was nearing the end of an amazing book and I could hardly put it down. The silly thing is, is that it was a book that I had read before and I knew how it ended. Anyway, it lead to a very sleepy Monday. By the time I left work on Monday I was SOOO tired, all I wanted to do was a grab Subway, go home, eat and go to bed. However, I am proud to report that I did none of those things. Instead of being lazy I decided to go home, work out, make dinner, load my dishwasher and finish my book. I have to tell you, I know it's not like I cured cancer or anything but I felt really great about myself when I finally got to bed (at a decent hour no less) on Monday night. The only thing that I didn't do that I should have done was journal. At least there is still room for improvement! I didn't work out last night but I will tonight before I have dinner again. Right now I am on the every other day during the week and then each day of the weekend for my workouts. I really feel very motivated in this area of my life right now so I figure why not roll with it!

I have been cooking at home and the one thing that makes me sad about cooking at home is the increase in dishes. I don't mind doing dishes, usually, but lately I haven't had the desire. Part of my problem is that I need to find a drop-off for my recycling as the plastics that I cleaned are living in my sink right now. I have decided that I want to do more for the environment and I figured that recycling was a pretty easy start. As an Iowa girl, I've always recycled pop cans but in Michigan it's even more enticing as the bottle tax is 10 cents! However, that's all I've really ever done on my own. After cleaning out my fridge the other day (and getting a TON of plastic bottles out of there) I decided that instead of throwing out an entire sink full of bottles, I should find a local drop off. I think that would be an excellent project for me this weekend.

While I'm on the subject of eating in, I am going to be trying some new recipes this coming week and I hope that they turn out. If any of them are as good as they sound I will make sure to post them seems how we all appreciate new recipes! There is a pineapple pork recipe that I am looking forward to trying in my slow-cooker over the weekend that I think has huge potential. I just can't decided if I want to go the teriyaki, bbq or sweet and sour route with it...I guess I'll have to decide before I go to the store.

OK, seems how you ladies have been so kind as to share your recent literary gems, I thought I should share some of the books that I am reading or hoping to read. This weekend I reread the 7th Harry Potter book. I don't know if either of you have read/plan to read the HP books but they are some of my favorites. It is a series that I can just read and read and read. I just finished the 7th book and was sorely tempted to start reading the first and work my way back it. I tend to read the books once a year and I always forget how amazing the world the J.K. Rowling created is. I suppose when you know how the books are going to end before you write the first book it makes it easier but when you sit down and read through them in a row it's amazing how many small details she has in each book that are brought up in the subsequent novels. I don't know how you ladies feel about fantasy or fiction for youth (because the first novels are definitely for youth) but if you've ever thought about reading them I would go for it. I like all kinds of books but I tend to read a lot of fantasy and mystery. I have 2 other series that I'm reading. If you're interested in murder mystery, Jan Burke has a series featuring Irene Kelly and her husband. Super good books. She has 3 others that aren't in the series and I've read 2 of the 3. Another author I really like is Kim Harrison. She writes fantasy and her series is an alternate reality where supernatural beings and humans live in co-existence. Her series features the witch Rachel Morgan who is a bounty-hunter for all intents and purposes and works with a vampire Ivy and pixy Jenx. Its a worthwhile series to read if you enjoy that genre. I've also read some Nick Hornby lately. I most recently read "About a Boy" and I've also read "A Long Way Down." His books are more dark satire but very enjoyable. "A Long Way Down" is actually about 5 (I think it's 5) people who meet on the roof of a building on New Year's eve because they intend to throw themselves off. So yeah, these are just a few of the books/authors I have been reading lately...I guess I've also read the Twilight books recently (not bad reads themselves). I could talk about books that I like for pages and pages so I guess I'll stop here.

Ok, so this novel length blog entry is done. Have a great day and enjoy the rest of your weeks!!


LeAnn said...

I can't say I feel like Wednesday came fast, it's been a slow week for me. My days seem to drag a little and my nights fly by because I get home between 4-4:30 pm and I'm in bed around 9:30 pm. I'm still not good at juggling my time, especially my free time. It's soooooo good that you are pushing yourself to work-out after work and before eating. Doing it every other day is not a bad routine to start with. I completely hear you about the cooking/eating and the subsequent dishes. In the beginning of the school year I was great about doing dishes every night and now I usually put it off one or two nights.

It sounds like you've been doing some reading . . . wow. I have read the Harry Potter series and they are indeed excellents pieces of literature. I usually re-read the book right before the movie comes out. I didn't do that with the last one (#6), but I would definitely re-read #7 before watching the movie. The Twilight series has been suggested to me several times by all types of people, but recently my eighth grade students are suggesting the series too. I'm sure I'll read them eventually. I've been putting it off because I am a die-hard Harry Potter fan and I feel like I'd be a traitor if I read Twilight. Lol. The Nick Hornby books sound good. We'll see if I get around to them. I'm pretty picky about my fantasy/sci-fi so don't take it personally if I don't take your suggestions. Keep up the positive lifestyle.

gavsmom said...

Well I know I'm weird but I'm not a Harry Potter fan. I don't necessary dislike the books or movies but they never tripped my trigger. I've tried watching a few of the movies but they never snag my attention. I also tried reading the first book (since Gavin owns a couple) but it also didn't hold my attention well. Shrug...guess HP isn't for everyone.

Did I read your Nick Hornby book(s)? The author sounds familiar to me. Come to think of it, I think I still have some of your books in my possession. I think they are in a box in my bedroom. A box that hasn't been unpacked yet because I'm a slacker LOL.

Yippee for recycling. I have it easy in Ames because recovery resources does something fancy with our trash and sorts out our recycleables...except for glass. I have to take glass to one of the many yellow dumpsters stationed around town.

Please do pass on your crock pot successes so I can continue to experiment too. I fortunately have two cookbooks that are geared specifically towards crock pots so I just randomly search in a section and stumble on things like the scalloped potatoes/ham or cheesy broccoli recipes I've shared previously.