Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PE Drama Explanation

So I mentioned this dilemma to many people. I'm going to write down the specifics in this blog so I can just send people the link. It's too much information to type over and over.

First of all, IAHPERD is the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Every year, a venue in Iowa holds the IAHPERD Convention. It provides learning sessions, discussions, and continuing education for professionals. Last year my previous boss requested that it be held at ISU. She was put in charge of many things. She moved to Texas in February. She did not tell IAHPERD leaders that she moved and was no longer helping with the massive convention. They found out on their own and are not very happy. The PE program has taken a huge hit to our reputation. It's so embarrassing to have PE experts mad at our institution.

All of this came about because I remember my boss talking about it and starting the planning process at the end of 2008. A local PE teacher spoke to me about it on Friday so I decided to check in with the president of IAHPERD and she gave me the low down. I could sense her discontent and disappointment in her email. I've stepped forward as an ISU contact because I can help the save time and money. I know who to contact for help about rentals, reservations for classrooms & gyms, etc.

I have a strong feeling that ISU is going to look very incapable when the convention comes together at the end of November. UNI is also not happy with us either because originally they were to host this event. My past boss talked the head honchos out of that decision and had it moved to ISU for this year. Apparently UNI was prepared to host everything. Now those head honchos have even more work fixing this situation at ISU. I want to help but I'm not sure how much help I can be since I'm already pretty busy with my teaching responsibilities, Swim & Gym, and student teaching stuff. Not to mention Gavin.

Our PE program is already vulnerable since we don't have a professor anymore. We certainly don't need the most important PE event in Iowa affecting our reputation either.


Nicole said...

I cannot believe that Kathi did this! I understand that she had a lot going on but it's not only the reputation of the school but her reputation as well, and let's face it, in a field like this reputation is important. I am so sorry about this being dumped in your lap and I hope that ISU is able to walk away with her head held high because you manage to pull this off. I really feel like it shouldn't reflect poorly on your guys because it was obviously a slip up on Kathi's behalf. Good luck and if you ever need to vent just call!

LeAnn said...

We've already chatted/conversed on this topic so yea. It's an unfortunate set of events that will lead to ISU hosting it. I would just do what you have to do, pull through with what you have to work with. At least the head honchos seem to know it is Kathi's fault. It'd be nice if karma kicked in for those sort of people. Good luck.