Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh what a beatiful morning...

Wow, just wow! I love this time of year. Now that the rain has given us a short reprieve I can fully appreciate the magnificent fall weather! I got up this morning and it was cool, crisp, and amazing! You would think my adoration for this time of the year wouldn't surprise me anymore but it seems like I love the fall more and more every time it rolls around! This weekend I had the chance to do some cleaning at home and I even got out all of my fall/Halloween decorations. I didn't put up most of the Halloween stuff yet but all of my fall decorations (pumpkins, scarecrows, gourds, leaves etc.) are up. I like the way that I have decorated my apartment but I especially love the homey feel it gets when it's decorated for a season/holiday! I am just so content right now that I can't hardly contain myself, however, as this is not a blog dedicated to autumnal glory I shall cease my adulation and talk about the important stuff!

The beginning of my week was good. I was hoping to get outside and do some walking but the rain hindered my attempts. I am, however, going to go out for a walk tonight after work. I'll throw on some sweats, grab my iPod and hit the pavement. In weather like this, I really wish I had a dog. It would be nice to have a dog to walk when it's this beautiful, however, on days like Monday, I'm thankful that Willow uses a litter box! I haven't actually had to cook at all this week because I've been eating leftovers for the most part. However, I'm going to make this new recipe tonight that I'll try tomorrow. It's a Mexican casserole that I found online. If it's any good I'll post the recipe. It's not the greatest recipe as far as healthful eating is concerned but I feel like I'll be able to make some adjustments to make it a little more lifestyle-change friendly. I also need to start a list for the grocery store for this week. I have to say ladies, I really feel like I've fallen into a good pattern with planning my menus and then going to the store. It eliminates the 'oh crap, I have no idea what to make' thought process that lead to a lot of my excessive eating out.

So, I know that we've all talked about getting back into the swing of things, so I feel like I should post some goals.

1. I have decided that I want to eliminate pop from my diet. At the beginning of the year I stopped drinking pop for almost 2 months. I still don't drink nearly as much as I was but I really want to cut it out again. Obviously it's not something that I will never have again but I want to get out of the habit of having it as an everyday beverage.

2. I want to continue to plan my menus and cook at home. It's cheaper, better for my and more satisfying.

3. I want to become more regular with my exercise. I especially want to add some strength training in. I will do at least 3 cardio type work outs per week and strength training twice.

Alright, that's all I have for toady. I hope that you ladies are having a great Wednesday and that the remainder of your week is pleasant! Take care and keep up the good work!!

p.s. we can all use a good laugh from time to time, Jessica sent this to me and I found it hilarious! Enjoy! (it's a bit long)...


LeAnn said...

I agree with you, the weather is gorgeous and just plain comfortable. As much as I like summer, there is nothing like the cool fall air and putting a sweats. I like the positive attitude that you wrote with. Your goals sound doable, plus you have gotten into a good pattern. Your blog shows some good progress that I know we're proud to hear. I feel bad that I haven't been offering recipes, but honestly the ones I have tried I haven't been impressed by.
I have the same goal as your goal #1. For awhile I was pop-free and I have slowly been drinking it here and there. I don't know why, but I would like to give it up again. I definitely need to devise an exercise routine for me and put it into action.
I guess I can speak for Jenny and I when I say we aren't having the best Wednesdays ever. We found out that our uncle died last night. I think I'll let Jenny tell you more. It's hard to deal with a family death when you have other responsibilities and committments. I would like to go to the funeral but it's hard to do so when I have to fulfill my student teaching duties. I'm full-time now, in charge of all the classes so I can't really skip out. It's upsetting. Anyway, hope I didn't bum you out.

project.100.gone said...

I agree with the weather. I like the cool temperatures. I really enjoy the evenings when the sun is setting. It's kind of spooky most evenings but very pretty.

I don't drink pop very often anymore. When I do have any, it's truly a treat. I think I have one pop a week and I don't keep it on stock at home.

Exercise...ugh. I won't even get into it right now because I'm disappointed with myself.

The death of our family member has made me think a lot today about life. I'm very sad he's gone but at the same time I'm appreciative of my health. It's also a reminder that I need to do as much preventative action as possible so I stay healthy and functioning. I'm just relieved he's not suffering any longer but sadly the family is.

Nicole said...

yes, a death can definitely put things in persepective. I really hope that you're able to get your goals in action! After I posted my overtly cheerful blog I saw your status on Facebook and felt like a bit of a toad...but I figured neither of you fine ladies would take offense. I hope that all is well ladies!