Monday, September 21, 2009

How about some more steps toward success?

Hope you had a fantastic start to your week. I for one had a very decent Monday. Yippee for cooperative physical education majors.

Onto steps 4-7 that will lead us to success with our health style endeavors.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

I think this point can be very difficult with weight loss. We already know that the process seems to cycle. We do great for awhile but then we slip back into a rut or bad habits and we stop losing weight. Or worse yet, we gain weight back. It can be tough to remain positive and upbeat when we struggle with a goal we deem so important. I know that a bad weigh-in day at Weight Watchers used to totally ruin my mood or energy for the rest of the day. That's why it's important to have goals that aren't scale related.

I also find it hard to stay positive all the time because my failure stares me right in the face some days in the mirror. I can tell my body isn't changing for the better and that reminder is thrown at me when I dress, shower, go shopping, etc. But if I create goals that are diet and activity centered we'll still get boosts of success along the way that contribute to the physical changes we desire.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

All humans make mistakes. Even though we are very passionate about the changes we want to make...we've made mistakes and failed. And we will make more mistakes and fail some more as time passes. It's just the way it goes. The important thing is that you learn from wrong doings and mistakes and hopefully alter your future based on that.

6. Be generous.

Sometimes I see this as a fault. I'm way too generous when I think I need a treat or reward (food based). I've been known to ruin my diet/weight loss by rewarding myself too much after a successful week. But on the other hand, it's very important to reward yourself and not restrict yourself from foods you love. You just need to find a balance and realize that moderation is key.

7. Have a grateful heart.

Being grateful and not taking things for granted go hand in hand in my head. I may struggle a lot with my weight but I'm grateful I still have my health. And I'm grateful that I have support and that I can provide support to others. I may not have a ton of money to work with but I'm grateful that I can usually afford healthy food and that I've been able to invest in my physical activity habits. I just wish I used my treadmill and bike more often!!!


LeAnn said...

I wish I could see your blog as I commented because I always forget key things I want to comment on. So frustrating. Staying enthusiastic and positive is definitely a tough goal for me. Somedays I feel like I could win a million dollars and still feel grouchy. But I've noticed/learned that there are ways to get uplifted (for me). For instance, I know there are certain songs that jazz me up and get me happy. The same can be said about the feeling after a work-out. It's hard not to be positive and radiant after accomplishing some sweat and work!
I'm not really known for being generous so maybe it's something I need to work on. Like you, Jenny, I usually have no problem being generous to myself. And now I am having a brain fart about your other tips. My thinking today is intermediate at best. This past weekend Jason and I stopped at a few Play-It-Now type places with sport/athletic equipment. I saw an elliptical and I asked Jason for it and he said "yes" which shocked me. But then he added, "When I am making enough money to buy one and take care of our other needs." I would love to have a treadmill or elliptical in the house so I wouldn't have to travel to work out but I'm sure I'd face your same problem - time, schedules, etc. get in the way and exercising gets pushed to the back burner. Ok, back to my teaching!

LeAnn said...

Oh, be forgiving and grateful. I'd say I am usually both of those. I just hope others are as forgiving. I know I've messed up a time or thirty so being forgiving is almost a requirement to be in my life. Sometimes I am not grateful at the immediate moment something happens or whatnot, but I understand and value the things and people in my life that happen, etc. in the long run. Especially when I compare where and what I am to where I was and where others are.

project.100.gone said...

great blog jenny! i'll write more when I have more energy but i'd like to write a little about some of the points that you entered.

Also, LeAnn, you should be able to read her blog as you comment. At the top of the comments page there is a link that says show original on it and the post will appear in the left hand column!