Saturday, September 26, 2009

Biggest Loser Tips

Hey Ladies-

As I was cleaning up in my bedroom, I stumbled upon a gift that I haven't been using since I moved in August!!! My "Biggest Loser" calendar! I took the time today while watching "Superman Returns" and pulled out some tips I want to include so I don't lose the pieces of paper amongst the disaster on the dining room table.

Tip 1: If and when you hit a plateau, take note of how your clothes are fitting. You may not see a decline on the scale but chances are that you're still losing inches and gaining muscle tone. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle--about three times as much.

Tip 2: Have protein with your carbohydrates as much as possible. That way, your meal breaks down more slowly in your body and you won't burn out so fast and lose energy. (Hmm do mushrooms contain a lot of protein? I like to add a ton of them to spaghetti or pasta...I wonder if that's helping me out any)

Tip 3: Remember that enriched bread means white flour. White flour is low in fiber and nutrition.

Tip 4: Don't forget to add strength training to a weight loss program. It boosts metabolism and increases the amount of calorie-burning muscle on your body. Each muscle group should be worked twice a week, with two days off in between. (Added this one to remind myself most of all since I suck at incorporating weight training)

Tip 5: Goal setting 101. Make your goals SMART. Specific, measurable, action-based, realistic (and rewarding), and time-based

Tip 6: Try to eat one raw vegetable a day. (I typically don't enjoy raw veggies unless they are accompanied with dip. I need to portion my ranch dip better and I could still make this habit healthy)

Tip 7: Fit, healthy people do not see daily activities and chores as taxing. They enjoy being able to do these things easily. Chores and errands can easily become "mini-workouts" if you have the right mind-set.

Tip 8: Write down your goals and keep a visual reminder of them in front of you. This may mean you keep them in several places. Bathroom mirror, refrigerator, in your car, etc etc. (I definitely need to do this so I remember when I am and am not staying on track...especially with exercise.)

Tip 9: Cook vegetables for the minimal amount of time so you preserve nutrients.

Tip 10: Use the cap from your salad dressing to measure your portion....most caps equal one teaspoon. (Hmmm, I think some are tablespoon size...really depends on the brand)

Tip 11: Try grocery shopping in a whole foods store. You'll be surprised of how many healthy foods appeal to you. (We have one in Ames that I've thought about visiting for years...I'm just scared how expensive it will be)


LeAnn said...

Alrighty, comment-time. In regards to the protein tip, I used to drink a whey protein shake in the mornings as breakfast and I felt like I could tell a difference. Maybe I should look into that again. I too am a mushroom fan so that'd be cool of they're a good source of protein.
When I was working out I always took some time to lift free weights or work on the machines. I thought I saw a difference. It'd be nice if I could resume that lovely habit. Goals are a toughy for me. I need to work on that. You'd think as a writer it'd be easy for me, but not so much.
Raw vegies aren't a problem for me except during those times of the year where they are hard to find and expensive. Right now I have squash, tomatoes, and peppers all over. I could probably lower my ranch-usage, but that's a toughy. Question: which is worse ranch, mayo, or miracle whip (all of which are regular, not light or fat-free)??
I'm not a fit person, but I personally enjoy running errands and cleaning (for the most part). It makes me feel busy and accomplished. With my location, amount money, and time I cannot really do a whole-food store. It's a possibility for the future though.
I'm glad you found my Christmas present to you before the year was over!

Nicole said...

Whole food stores are a great idea, however, they are freakin' expensive. So, I looked into mushrooms and apparently, a 1 cup serving of mushrooms contains approx 2.2 g of protein which is 4% of the daily alotment. They are also super low in calories and fat and carbs so they add a hearty feel to dishes but are quite good for you...I say add away!

LeAnn, in regard to your question about ranch vs. mayo vs. miracle whip, the latter is the best for you. The emolient (what binds it) in mayo is egg yolk which is high in fat, calories and cholesterol. Reduced fat mayo (which is my fave) is almost neck and neck with regular miracle whip. Ranch also has a high amount of calories from if you like it, maybe you should consider mixing up your own veggie dip with miracle whip. you will still get the ranch taste (I used reduced fat sour cream, miracle whip and ranch packets) but fewer calories!

GOALS, GOALS, GOALS! I love goals, I'm getting back into goals and it helps!

Ok...I'm behind on blogging and commenting so I should move on! Great entry Jenny!