Saturday, September 12, 2009

Back to the real world...

I know that it's been a while since I've blogged and I'm pretty sure that you've been sitting on the edge of your seats anxiously waiting for my to write something...right, I'm right aren't I?!?! Well, waiting for it or it goes!

My trip home was fabulous! I got to see everybody that I wanted to, maybe not for as long as I would have liked but a girl can't have everything in life. The drives there and back were stress and incident free (wa-hoo)! I got to spend a fabulous day with my sister, my nephew's birthday party was a success, the wedding was gorgeous and so much fun, we had a blast at the quarry (who couldn't have fun in water that was 12 foot deep, 3 feet from shore), and then I spent Tuesday alone with my mamma (well, if you don't count the 2 gentlemen who were making repairs to their house)! The worst part of the entire trip was leaving. I didn't realize how much I missed everybody until I was there spending time with them (which is saying a lot because I missed them terribly). I cannot wait until I come back again, I am even more ready for the day to come when I can move back permanently! Anyway, it was amazing and I am so thankful I made it there and back in one piece!

Before I left I told myself that I would not stress about anything on my trip including my diet and exercise. I knew that there would be some extra eating out and I knew that while I wouldn't be exercising per se , I would have opportunities to burn off the excess calories (chasing kids, swimming, dancing, swimming, manual labor...thanks mom)! I also told myself that if I had free reign to do whatever on my trip that when I got back I must get back on track with my diet and exercise. So, here I go...I believe that it was this time last year that we really got to our start!

First, I have been inspired and motivated by Jenny's crock-pot success! So, one of my goals is to start using my crock-pot more frequently. I would like to try at least 1 crock pot recipe per week. The nice thing about the crock-pot/slow-cooker technique is that you can often times get more than 1 meal out of a single recipe. My recipe this week isn't such a good example (I'm making strogenoff) but next week I intend to do pork in the slow-cooker. Not only will I be able to get the pineapple pork made that I want to try but I can also make other pork dishes from my slow-cooked pork. If I already have the meat prepared, I am more likely to cook at home because that's usually what takes the longest to do at night when I get home from work and am tired. I know that Jenny doesn't do strogenoff, however, if you'd like the recipe LeAnn let me know. It's super easy and so tasty!

I also want to get back into a more regular exercise routine. I never stop exercising completely but I just don't do as much as I should as often as I should. Today, I pulled out my dance workout DVD (which, in all honesty, I haven't used for a while) and did one of the routines. I felt great doing it and I feel great now that it's done! I love the way I feel when I'm being good and productive so I don't understand why it's so hard to stay committed. Anyway, I'm going to make a schedule for myself and hopefully that will keep me on track with my exercise. The menu works to help with the eating right so I can't see how a workout schedule could hurt at all.

Finally, I want to get back into journaling. I did the best and had the most success last spring when I was journaling. I wrote about my day, how I felt and how I did and I made goals for the next day. I need to take the time to do this again because it allows me, more than anything else, to be completely honest with myself; and let's face it, we could all use some bold faced honesty once in a while.

Alright ladies, I need to be off. Have a great weekend and enjoy the glorious weather! Stay strong and committed to the cause!


LeAnn said...

Yay!! I'm so happy for you, that your trip went well and incident-free. It's too bad that you don't get to see your friends and family more often. Not that I am describing you, but sometimes we all tend to appreciate family and friends more when we can't or don't see them often (you know what I mean). I don't remember what Jenny said about the wedding but it sounds like it was a swell time. You probably needed that time away from work and Michigan, to reconnect with those you like and love. You should demand that they come visit you!
I hope you're refreshed enough that your new goals get a good start. I'm debating, for myself, whether some sort of journaling would work for me. I like the crock pot recipes, I have yet to try something like that. Honestly, I don't know if I like stroganoff or not, I don't ever remember eating it so maybe it's something I don't like. Who knows. It's good to hear that you've already boosted your physical activity. I'm a big fan of dancing so you go girl! These past few weekends have been excellent weather, especially for September so I've joined my boyfriend when he goes golfing. I usually like it, but I get angry easily. I like it though because it's somewhat active and it allows me to be in the gorgeous weather.
By the way, I happen to like Neil Gaiman's books. I read "American Gods," "Neverwhere," and "Stardust." I liked them all. I'm not usually a fantasy fan, but once in awhile I find one or more I like. It's usually the author I like, not necessarily the genre. I own Stardust so if you're really interested in it I could mail it to you. It's just an idea. Thanks for suggesting a book I happened to already be reading :). Welcome back to the blogosphere.

LeAnn said...

Wow, I wrote a lot. Go me.

project.100.gone said...

It was good to see you too! Crock pots rule. I'm keeping this comment short and sweet because my main points need to be put into my own blog entry.