Tuesday, July 28, 2009


sorry I haven't been blogging much lately. I have been having a rough few days. I'm not sure why but I've been very homesick and just feeling very stressed for about 5 days now. To be fair, I haven't been home and been around my family for 5 months so it would make sense that I would be a little homesick but I don't know why it hit so hard and so suddenly. The one positive side to feeling like this is that I have absolutely NO appetite. I have to consciously make myself eat. I don't know that this would be a healthy lifestyle for a prolonged period of time but for the time being I think I'm ok.

Anyway, I could continue on about how I feel crappy but I don't want to drag everybody down with me. I'll be feeling better as my trip back home gets closer (and maybe the sun shining would help a little bit too). Anyway, I hope to do better, I know that pulling away from friends isn't a good way to deal with emotions like this.

I hope you ladies are having a good week and I hope that you're getting closer to being ready to move Jenny!!! What an exciting time! Chin up ladies!

Friday, July 24, 2009


Hey all-

My thesis is DONE! All I have to do now is print off the PDF four times so I can get it bound for all the parties that requested a copy. Yippee! Now I can focus on moving and measuring kids for my job through Kathi!

I almost blogged last night when I was in a very pissy mood. I'm sure you both remember that Trevor guy I mention from time to time. He's the dude that lives in Chicago. He and I were supposed to hang out this week. He was great about planning our time together a couple weeks ago but he turned back into his usual self and stopped communicating with me more than a week ago. Obviously we didn't hang out and he never called, sent a text, or emailed me even though I periodically did those things to check on the progress of the plans. I've come to the conclusion that he's one of the most inconsiderate people I know. He always gets an emotional stir out of me when he's nice to me and I'm not sure why. He always ends up severely disappointing me and you'd think I'd learn from that. He's burned a bridge with me now. I'm not mad that we didn't hang out...I'm mad that he didn't have the decency to communicate about the whole deal. I need to find a decent guy that respects me....Trevor obviously isn't that man. It sucks to really like a guy that can't even be a decent friend.

I would have used more curse words last night so I'm glad I calmed down and wrote a PG version. I hope you both have a fabulous weekend!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Important things don't come easy!

I turned my thesis in electronically on Wednesday (yesterday). I'm currently waiting to hear back from a reviewer so I can make formatting corrections. At the moment, I'm quite impatient because I wanted an email from a reviewer by now since it's been about 24 hours. I imagine there is an overload of people turning in their thesis or dissertation right now since the deadline is tomorrow (Friday). I am hoping to have further corrections completed by the middle of the day on Friday....we'll see if that happens.

Onto the title of this blog entry....I've obviously had a lot of time to reflect on my thesis since it's been a work in progress since the fall of 2007 to this week in 2009. When I've felt especially stressed, I tell myself that nothing important comes easy. We all know this is true with weight loss. It's a struggle every day to work out, eat right, etc. It's also apparent with graduate school. And LeAnn will soon realize that student teaching isn't a walk in the park.

I don't have much more to ramble about since I'm extremely busy. I start remeasuring the kids from study next week since my advisor wants to see more data and write a paper herself. I've spent hours making phone calls and assigning appointments this week. I also became a certified instructor for the Babysitting Course at the Red Cross this week. fortunately I have a few days off from the greenhouse though. It felt weird to turn in my notice for that job but in the long run I will really enjoy having weekends off. Just sucks to stop working at a job that is so easy and pays incredibly well. I also need to keep packing and cleaning so I'm prepared for moving out NEXT WEEK! I cannot believe how quickly the end of the month is approaching. Crazy.

Until next time ladies....

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Money equals happiness?!?

I have another topic on my brain so I thought I'd ramble about it for another blog entry. I think it's safe to say that all three of us know the value of money, strive to save it and try to use it properly. Even though I'm currently on the poor side, I'm relatively happy most of the time. It will be nice to save money though.

I have a few friends in my life that are well off and prove to me that money doesn't necessarily mean happiness. I had dinner with one of those friends last night. He has a very good job that isn't in danger due to the economy. He has a brand new car (paid for by the job) and a great house. He takes trips constantly because of rewards from his job (he's a mechanical engineer). Despite all those tangible things, the man is miserable. His family does not make him very happy, I don't think his job makes him very happy even though he reaps a lot of benefits, and even the fun parts of his life seem to be depressing.

I'm also friends with a couple (that are actually divorcing now) that don't have to think twice about money. The wife actually decided to throw money at her weight issue and got the Lapband System when exercise and dietary changes didn't work out. She thought that using a medical procedure to fix her problem would also fix happiness and it did not work.

In this day and age, people are so hung up on making money. They want the best of everything. They think they need a great house, fantastic car, expensive vacations, and a multitude of possessions in order to live a "good life". But how many people do you know seem truly happy and actually value things that don't cost a thing (family, friendship, faith, etc)?

I'm proud to say that I'm a fairly happy person. I have great friends. I have a very supportive family. I have an amazing son that makes me so proud. Each day he says or does something that reminds me that I've done a good job raising him. I do have things that make me unhappy. Obviously my lifestyle and weight are a big issue. (No surprise there!) The more and more I look around at the world, it becomes more apparent that I cannot just throw money at my problem with fancy diet programs, medical procedures, pills, etc. Now I have obviously spent money on Weight Watchers in the past and I bought a treadmill. I consider the treadmill to be an investment for my future because it's not an easy fix. I can't run on that beast for a week and watch all my weight drop off. I truly feel that I'll feel happier when I put in all the hard work that's necessary to eat better and exercise regularly. I'll feel empowered and I definitely won't want to undo all my hard work by falling into bad habits. I just wish I could walk around and shake some people so they realize what they truly need to be happy.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Biggest Loser" tips

Three blog entries in 24 hours... I do realize how nuts that is. I have had information from my Biggest Loser calendar sitting on my desk for awhile and I need to clear it off soon due to packing so I'm going to list some tips now.

1) Research shows that people who lose weight and keep it off have good support systems to help them along. I know this is kind of a "duh" statement but I wanted to reinforce how important our blog and discussions are since we are all going to drop our weight and keep it off!

2) Eating sweets increases the brain's level of serotonin, the feel-good chemical that raises your spirits, so your cravings for sweets may actually be symptoms of a desire for an emotional lift. I don't really crave sweets but I've already stated in the past how food can make me feel better when it comes to stress, loneliness, etc.

3) There is never a "good" time to start a weight-loss program. But think of it this way, it's always a good idea to live healthy whether it's convenient or not.

4) People that lose weight have one thing in common: exercise. Most of them burned at least 2800 or more calories a week, according to research. That's the weekly equivalent of three hours of circuit training, three hours of walking, and one hour of cleaning house---which is pretty doable. I wish they would provide the title of the studies they get these facts from!

5) Learn how to love to sweat. I admit getting really warm and sweaty can be pretty nasty but it also reminds you that you've accomplished something great after you finish an exercise session. The calendar tells you to picture that sweat is fat melting off your body. Unfortunately my education doesn't allow me to visualize that very well since I know that fat cells don't leave the body or disappear but shrink in size. I guess my imagination sucks hehe.

6) Learn to work around exercise-related injuries. Many people fall off track or stop exercising completely when an injury occurs. If one part of the body can't be exercised, don't neglect other parts. I'm horrible about this because my hamstrings do get sore and slightly injured easily. I never make a great effort to exercise my upper body when this happens....I usually just take a break and fall off the wagon with exercise. I'll need to keep this tip in mind when and if history tries to repeat itself.


I should really be cleaning my oven prior to going to my afternoon job but I have an interesting topic on my mind. And based on the title of this entry...you guessed it....it's love. I had the pleasure of being the witness for Tiffany and Gregg's marriage license today. While paperwork was being filled out, I had the chance to really stand back and see how they interacted with each other and it's so obvious that they are both happy and in love with each other. It's tough to look at many couples now a days and see love reflected through their body language, communication, etc. It really made me happy for both of them and I'm so honored to be the person that helps make the marriage legal.

I'm filled with a positive jealousy....yes I know that is an oxymoron. I can't help but want that kind of relationship. A relationship where I'm loved and accepted for who I am. A love that will have its ups and downs but will continue to flourish throughout the years. It's fairly obvious that Tiffany and Gregg's faith is the backbone to their success. I consider it a positive jealousy because I do want what Tiffany has but that the same time I'm genuinely happy for her. It's helping me think about my future....maybe I can get my personal life back on track and successfully date again this fall. I seriously feel out of the loop when it comes to the opposite sex. It will be interesting.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Updates galore

Hey ladies-

Well....I've wanted to blog for more than a week now. Maybe it was wise to put it off because you would have heard about a lot of my worries and issues. Most of those worries/issues have now been resolved so I'll just report on the good news.

I have a new residence to move into on August 2nd. According to my uncle, I have a moving truck that will allow me to move out on Thursday, July 30. I'll have to keep all my belongings in the truck until Sunday, August 2nd. Some of my family will be coming on Sunday to help me move, thank god!

Things are coming together with my future job. I have another meeting on Friday about details since more information has been finalized.

Due to my numerous jobs, need to finish my thesis, need to find a different apartment, and parenting my life has been nuts for most of July. Every day has that "go go go" theme to it because I need to make so many phone calls, work at 3 or 4 locations, or run errands. I'm really not used to being so hectic in nature. I've been so disorganized. More than half of my current apartment is in boxes so that doesn't help matters either. I'm just hoping that Gavin survives our transition unscathed.

The beauty of being so busy is that I don't have time to mindlessly snack. I barely have time to eat, which isn't great, but I'm not dealing with this stress with extra eating. I'm concerned about my choices at times though. We've been eating at Subway and Jimmy John's more than we should be but getting food like that is so much easier after working 16 hours in a day. Excuses, I know.

I hurt my back while on vacation---camping wasn't kind to me. Fortunately, I feel back to normal now after seeing a chiropractor. I still have another week or so of treatment because my lower back was really wrecked. I could even tell by looking at the x-ray that things weren't in good shape. Even before the injury, I've had A LOT of stress on my lower back due to my weight. My back and joints have never really bothered me before though but it's possible that my injury could not have occurred or been so bad if I weighed less. Plus I'm getting older (obviously) so my body may not hold up so well if I stay at this weight or get heavier. More motivation to make some healthy improvements!

I'm sure I'll have more updates as the end of the month approaches. I cannot wait to have a normal job. More than likely I'll have to quit my greenhouse job or dramatically cut hours. I have great plans to start up healthy habits in our new apartment. Here are some of my upcoming plans:

1. I am getting rid of my TV in the bedroom. Gavin may still have one in his room for his Playstation but I'm not sure. We have less space at our new residence.

2. It was a criteria that my treadmill fit in my new living room. It will be used regularly and I want to start that habit as soon as I start living there so things become routine. Hopefully by working "normal" hours I can always run the same time each day.

3. I will be a decent distance from ISU. I'll get a parking pass but I will make a strong effort to ride my bike to work each day when the weather is decent. Just don't want to be horribly sweaty if I have to look nice when I teach.

I do have one worry. Hy-Vee is right by my apartment building! Great for scheduled and planned grocery trips but I don't want to be running there for junk or indulgences that aren't appropriate. I predict a future blog entry entitled "I really want to go to Hy-Vee right now for their cheesy potatoes in the deli section!"

Here is a link of my apartment if you're interested in seeing things.


Monday, July 13, 2009

Brush the dust off and get back on track...

As you both know I really like the TV show the Gilmore Girls. I love the witty banter, the crazy characters of the town and I relate well to the mother daughter relationship of Lorelai and Rory. I have the series box set and when I want mindless entertainment and don't want to watch a movie I usually watch an episode or 2 of the show. Now, you're probably sitting out there wondering why in the world is this crazy girl going on and on about GG. How could this possibly relate to weight loss or healthful lifestyle changes? If you've ever seen the show you know that the girls eat like maniacs and NEVER work out. It's not as though they're setting a great example. However, as I sat there last night working on my blanket I decided to pop in a DVD and watch for bit. When I picked a random episode to watch, I had no idea that I would find something that would relate to the struggles that we are facing as we try and become healthier. In the middle of the show, Kirk, one of the crazier characters in the town of Stars Hollow who was dressed as Jesus at the time asks a crowd of people who want to give up on a project 'Just because the road is long and dusty, is your destination so diminished?' Wow, what a thought provoking question!

I know that right now we are all in a bit of a slump and trying to find a way to bring ourselves out of it. At times it seems daunting...most of the time actually. We see our destination and it's great but then we take a look at the road that gets us there and let's be honest the road long. The road we're on has many hills, and valleys and twists and turns. It's under construction or there are traffic jams. While we want to set our cruise and just fly from point A to point B, we have to realize that that simply is not going to happen. I know that none of us are as far along as we had hoped to be at this time but we are still doing better than we have in the past. The fact that we still write in this blog is proof positive of that. Sure, we've made a few wrong turns and have driven in circles for a while but it's time to get back on the right path.

Ok, enough metawhoring (yes, that is a word) for today. I had a pretty good weekend. I did really well with eating however I didn't really work out at all. I just need to get my butt in gear! I hope you ladies have a great week getting back on track!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Happy July and no more waste!

Hello ladies! I hope that you both had an excellent 4th and are digging into the month of July. The 4th is always a bittersweet holiday. While it's fun to celebrate the 4th, to me it always seems like it's the start of the end of the summer. This year was no different for me. I had an amazing time on the 4th (Brent Smith is a GOD)but I cannot believe that it's already July 9th...what happened to June?!?!? I had some serious goals for this summer in regards to my weight loss attempt and I have not accomplished any of them. I feel like if I don't start now then I will never get back on track. Not only am I not losing weight I am also wasting SO MUCH MONEY!

I made a menu for the next week. I went to the grocery store tonight in order to get the supplies. I am not going to eat out at all. When I got home I had to clean out my fridge and I was appalled! I threw out so much food it was disgusting. Not only did I throw out fresh veggies and fruit that I had purchased but I also threw out a chicken breast and 1/2 pound of ground beef that I pulled out at some point and forgot about. Seriously?!?!? I not only wasted a bunch of money on food that went bad but I also paid money to eat out. This cannot happen. I do not have enough money to be wasting like this! So, no more waste! I bought groceries and I am going to cook at home!

While my eating has sucked, my physical activity is going well. I have been working out with Chris 3 nights at her apartment. It's nice to have a work out buddy and it motivates me to keep up with it!

Ok, I'm terribly distracted and can't really type any more right now. I am going to leave you with some pictures from my amazing 4th of July concert! Enjoy!




Above is Brent Smith right before I touched him!

Staind (they were the only band who's lights looked cool because they're the only band that played after dark)

(Aaron Lewis' butt...that's the view I had for the encore)