Sunday, March 3, 2013

Health-Related Update


I'll probably divide my blogging into parts so I don't create a novel.  

Sadly the dieting is not going well.   We've hit a period of time filled with eating out and impulsive choices.   I can tell I'm feeling worse lately because of those dietary choices.   I haven't been to Weight Watchers for a while either for two reasons:

  • My work schedule on Wednesday afternoons hasn't been great and I'm not leaving Ames on time
  • I know I've gained weight and I don't feel like having Weight Watchers personnel tell me it
I'll have to bite the bullet soon and hear the number.  I did have bloodwork recently done and liked most of the numbers.   I had a few improvements from 2012.

Triglyercides:   239 in 2012    160 in 2013   (supposed to be between 0-250)
Cholesterol:  198 in 2012        184 in 2013   (supposed to be between 50-200)
HDL:     56 in 2012        55 in 2013 (supposed to be greater than 40)
LDL:  94 in 2012               97 in 2013 (supposed to be between 60-130)

I was so happy to see the change with my triglycerides.   I hope to continue to see my overall cholesterol drop.   My blood gluclose was a little higher than what is encouraged.   I'm going to get checked out again in 6 months to make sure my blood sugar is not out of whack and sending me down Diabete's Lane. 

I'll blog again soon to give an update about other pieces of life.   The stress of the semester is officially kicking in...yippee!!


1 comment:

LeAnn said...

About time you blog. It does look like your blood work has improved quite a bit. I still haven't had my blood tested ever. Doctors never bring it up.

Looking forward to your next blog.

By the way, did you read my blog from Feb. 8th?