Thursday, February 7, 2013

Can't Even Think of a Decent Title

I turned my computer on about an hour ago with all kinds of motivation to blog.   After making myself some food, doing two loads of laundry, loading the dishwasher, and taking out the energy is much lower.   I'll try to sum up my week though and it may be brief.

Swim & Gym started.   We are at maximal capacity.  39 kids.   (We have usually had around 20 in the past years.)   It's awesome that we are full....word-of-mouth has really been helping the program.   A lot of home-school families enjoy the program and it provides PE for their children.   I had to make some changes in regards to employees and volunteers.   Our budget isn't fantastic.   I basically charge enough to pay the general cost (life guard, a couple paid positions, etc.).   It's not designed to make a giant profit.  I only pay two assistants to help me and everyone else is a volunteer.    The amount of PE majors taking the initiative to help is pitiful.   Fortunately students from other majors in Kinesiology have come forward in addition to some education majors.   I could handle having a couple more because our swimming lessons need a little more assistance.   With the amount of "new" helpers that had no idea that Swim & Gym existed before, I am doing a lot of the work myself.   It's a lot of running around on Tuesdays and Thursdays.   I know things will get better as we progress into the program and we find our groove.   I'll also figure out which of my volunteers are dependable and can handle more responsiblitiy.   I do have a grad student as an assistant too.   I won't get into that tonight.   I'm not impressed.

One nifty aspect of Swim & Gym is that really helps me earn activity points.   I earned 8 points on Tuesday.   I earned another 8 points tonight.   It's from teaching in the morning and being on my feet most of the afternoon.   I had considered going to the gym after Swim & Gym but that won't be necessary.   I wouldn't have the energy anyway.

Due to my schedule on Wednesday, I didn't get to Weight Watchers.   I'm hoping to stop in tomorrow night or Saturday morning.   I haven't been a perfect eater.   I had Taco John's this week.   I felt horrible afterwards.   I haven't been tracking well either.   I did track today though.  

We have kind of a busy weekend too.   Having dinner with a couple from church on Friday night.   An ISU game on Saturday and hopefully a quick stop at Sam's Club.   Church on Sunday.   Valentine's Dinner at Church Sunday night.   Grateful I don't have a lot of work to do over the weekend.  

This is longer than I anticipated.    Hopefully I can log on again this weekend to announce I have a weight loss. 

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I don't think I could manage a program like Swim and Gym. However, I guess it might be a similar commitment to the plays when I did that. Obviously, I couldn't really handle that load with my school/work load. I'm sure the work ethic of today's youth doesn't make your job easier. I guess it's good that you can count it as your work-out for the day.

Last night, I splurged big time with my eating. I definitely regret it. Now I have to work-out today for sure, and keep my eating smarter.

I thought I was going to have a busy weekend, but two things got canceled. Oh well, I have plenty of grading to do.