Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Drama, Drama

I only have about 20 minutes, let's see what I can get written down before I jet off to Johnston, IA.

The dieting has somewhat derailed.   Been eating out a lot and not hitting the gym much.   I hope that next week (Spring Break) helps with my food choices and physical activity levels.   I want to try some more recipes and organize meals for upcoming weeks.   Work has been stressful and very busy so I'm not shocked that I put my health and eating habits on the back burner.   It happens regularly each semester.   My summer will also be more busy as I'm teaching for both DMACC and ISU and running the summer camp program.   It makes me wish I had a personal assistant or something so I don't lose ground with home life and my personal goals.  

The drama-themed title relates to church.   Receive an email today from our pastor explaining that I can no longer teach Sunday School.   I'm not shocked or surprised.   My lifestyle and choice to live with Jon does not match the leadership qualities they need for the education portion of church.   It was honestly hard to teach each Sunday with my weekday stress.   Hopefully the next person does well and is able to "keep the job".  I really hope they don't expect all these exemptions, restrictions, and judgments to push Jon and I into marriage faster.   I am able to just shrug things off usually.   I can tell that a lot of these church issues are really irritating Jon.   We have enough "crap" and stress at work.   It sucks that church has to be filled with the same.

I'm pleased to announce that I'll be flying off to Michigan in May.  Going to spend a quick weekend visiting Nicole as a treat after the semester ends.   I was pleased by the price as it's quite affordable to go see her...maybe I should try to do it twice a year.  

Sadly time is against me right now...need to hit the road so I'm not late for a meeting.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm having trouble with my diet and exercise, and I'm on Spring Break. It's just plain ol'hard. I think you're overworking yourself with the summer. But, I'm glad there is that trip to Michigan to give you some vacay. I looked at my class schedule for the summer; it's not quite what I expected. Plus, one of the classes, I think I've already taken. I'll have to talk to the coordinator once I know I'm accepted or not.

Even though teaching Sunday School is an honorable thing to do. If the place can't appreciate the volunteerism, then they'll feel the loss. And, I think you need more time for you and your guys. It might be a hidden blessing. Odd wording, oops. Or, no pun intended.

Is it sad that we are the two people who read each other's blogs the most?