Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Sweet Relief (I Hope)


My day started with a wonderful root canal.  My dentist made an emergency appointment for me with an endodontist in Ames this morning.   She couldn't tend to my cracked molar hence her reference to a different specialist.   My 8am appointment was supposed to be a consultation.  He took a good look at the molar and immediately suggested he complete a root canal.   He had time to do it this morning so I figured I might as well get it taken care of...I would have really stressed myself out if I let it go another week or so.   He was very understanding about my issues with anesthetics and dental work.  He tried a different numbing drug and it worked!!!  It still wasn't the most comfortable procedure but I'm grateful he did it.   It's pretty sore at the moment but I'm sure this pain will be completely worth it.   I need to make another appointment with my dentist as she needs to take care of the crown for this root canal.  Needless to say...I have more debt now.   That hour long root canal cost me $1,000.00.....blah!!

I haven't been tracking my eating very well in the past days.   I'm fairly certain that I've gained some weight.   I've been impulsive with my choices.   I'm also close to my fun time of the month which is contributing to my desire for salt and not-so-healthy foods.  I've also not exercised much thanks to my mouth.   I'm hoping to hit the gym on Thursday after work.   Regardless of that, I do feel better.  I'm sleeping so much better.   I have better energy (even when my mouth hurts like hell).  I'm waking up easier in the morning and getting more done throughout the day.   It's truly amazing how much you can get done in the morning if you get up on time.   I'm eating breakfast, packing my lunch, cleaning up around the house, even doing laundry some mornings.   It's nice. 

We got bad news about Gavin's football program today.   They had too few 10-12 year olds enroll so they canceled his league in the program.   I'm making it a priority to watch the basketball deadlines so I get him into a great program for the winter.  

Work has been extremely busy.  I'm working much longer hours this semester.  I can't come and go between home and work easily so I find myself working longer in the office.   It's helping me keep work at work and not bring things home.   I'm constantly having to prep for my methods course for health education and my new DMACC online course.   I can't seem to get ahead in those classes.   Oh well.  

Well that's enough for now.   I plan to share a recipe this week.   My coworker introduced me to a Mexican Lasagna.  I created my own version this weekend and it was OK.  It can be easily tweaked.


LeAnn said...

Better you than me with the dentist stuff. However, I'm dealing with skin/rash/allergies, so I guess I'm not living a perfect life either. Anyway, that sucks about your bill. Just want you feel like you're getting to good place financially, the unexpected fees and bills pop up. It also sucks about Gavin's football league being canceled. Was he bummed? I was hoping to go to a game of his.

How's the eating now that's been a few days? We all have rough days. I had a margarita and wine last night, plus a fajita quesadilla. But, I feel okay about it today, because I worked out and my supper was healthy. I'm hoping that continuing that will keep me on a good path. I have been feeling better, healthier too. My clothes feel better. It's such a good feeling. Why didn't I do this sooner? LOL.

Anyway, I don't see myself getting caught up or even ahead with my planning, grading, etc. I'll have more time with no play or musical, but I'm not convinced that my workload will be much different. It sounds like you're enjoying other benefits - like the tasks you're accomplishing in the morning.

Don't let mother nature ruin a good routine of eating and exercising. Enjoy Cedar Rapids. See you next weekend!

LeAnn said...

Just when you feel*

Couldn't help but fix my mistake.

Nicole said...

I'm sorry that you had to have a root canal but it's good you took care of it. I hate how much dental stuff costs. I burned through my savings last time I had a root canal.

Sorry about the eating. I know how hard it can be to avoid the cravings that time of month. Although, I found out this month that it's not too hard if it coincides with a stomach bug :-)

I'm glad you're hitting the gym and just feeling better in general!

The Mexican lasagne sounds good. You should post the recipe.