Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Here Comes October


I'm very excited about the fact this week marks the end of September.   I'm a BIG fan of October.   It's a fabulous month.   I started putting a few Halloween decorations out last night.  My search for Halloween items actually led to the cleaning and organization of our basement.   I was able to unpack some more boxes and make things look a little more tidy.   We have a considerable amount of items for a garage sale next year.  I located my box of coats and another container filled with fall/winter clothing for work.   I was shocked by the number of jeans I had in a few boxes.   I apparently went on a denim shopping spree in previous years.   The cool thing is that many pairs were a size smaller than I am at the moment.   I won't have to buy many new jeans at least when my caboose and waist shrink further.

I had some work to do for DMACC last night which is another reason why cleaning took priority.   I'm more than happy to clean a bunch if it means I can put off computer work.   Nevertheless, I got my work cranked out and did some grading too.   I was able to listen to "Julie & Julia" too.  I'm not sure why I like that movie so much.  I'm actually thinking about getting that cookbook to see if there is anything I can create in my own kitchen.  French cuisine isn't my favorite but I like the idea of putting a lot of thought and hard work into a good meal.   Considering that cookbook as been reproduced and released more than fifty times, you'd think I'd be able to find a cheap copy somewhere.

 I'm curious to see what the scale says tomorrow at Weight Watchers.   I'm trying to be more mindful with my eating but I'm starting to snack more than I should in the evenings again.  I'm also not diligent about tracking my food.   I'll start assuming that I'm still in my point range for the day and I may have gone over.   I was happy to count my manual labor last night so that got me some extra activity points that I could convert to food.   I could be more active every day though.  I'm really going to regret not being outside more often when the snow flies in a couple months.  I really want to solidify good habits now too so Halloween candy, Thanksgiving food, and Christmas goodies don't shift the number on the scale immensely.   Apparently many Americans gain at least 10 lbs over the holiday seasons in November and December.   I'm not surprised by that at all.   I actually read an article in the Des Moines register last week about our obesity epidemic.   Right now 29% of Iowans are obese.   If the trend continues, 54% of Iowans will be obese.   Scary!!  It makes sense though if you consider the age demographics in Iowa.   There is an increase with the amount of overweight children and adolescents.   Those kiddos are going to be the adults in 2030.   If you are overweight/obese during your youth, it will most likely follow you into adulthood.  Here's the article if you're interested:


On a different note, I now have my temporary crown for my most recent root canal.  The procedure went very well.   The hygienist didn't read very well when I arrived though.   She started prepping me for a root canal when I sat down in the chair.    She seemed surprised when I notified her that I went to the endodontist to  get the root canal weeks ago.   And of course, two minutes later she finds the information in my file.   Anyway, my mouth is now a total of 2K richer with the recent procedures.   I get my permanent crown in three weeks. 

I'm hoping to cruise through this week and have some fun this weekend.  Gavin's having a friend over on Friday night.    Hopefully we can visit the local orchard on Saturday or Sunday.   I'm not thrilled that it will be super busy but it's a cool place so crowds are to be expected.   I want to do more work on the basement organization and do some grocery shopping too as payday is on Friday.   It's nice to finally get a full paycheck from ISU.   The part-time work in the summer and the partial paycheck in August weren't comforting my checking account very well. 

Hope everyone's well! 

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I think September and October pretty good months - the temps are comfortable and whatnot. I'm a horrible woman - I don't garden, I don't decorate, I barely cook/bake, etc. Yish. I'll have some stuff to contribute to the good ol'garage sale next year too. :) I like "Julie and Julia" too, but I'm not so inspired to buy and use one of Child's cookbooks. No m'am.

How did WW go then? I don't remember you telling me. Ah yes, the hibernation season is quickly approaching - we want to go to bed early due to the early darkness and we tend to overeat or eat unhealthily. I heard about that obesity percentage. I feel like I'm always going to be overweight in terms of what "they" say, but I'd like to get further away from the obesity mark.

I hope your dental woes are ending. I'm sure that bill is a royal pain in your rear. I'm going to an orchard this weekend too. It seems like a popular event this weekend for a lot of people. The weather sounds peachy too. Yay for payday! Hey, do you remember that board game - Payday? I get paid tomorrow too. It won't last long due to stdt loan payments, rent, and my cable/internet bill. :(

Kudos on blogging well this past month or two. I'm hoping to fit it in tomorrow night. Break out the apple cider . . . it's fall.