Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maintenance...It's a Good Thing


I decided to stay on track at work today and not work on this blog.   I attended Weight Watchers on Wednesday and was happy to see that I only gained 0.2 lb in the last week.  I was striving to lose of course but was also accepting of simply maintaining due to the food I ate while in Chicago over the weekend.  I'm grateful we did so much walking.   The scale would have been scarier had we taken taxis or buses.

We took off early on Saturday morning and decided to just hang out at the hotel for a bit before heading into the city.  We did eventually venture in for an early supper at Harry Carry's Italian Steakhouse.   Jon had his bison filet and I had my Pesto Pasta dish.  It was delicious as expected and actually quite different eating so much food in one sitting.  I also indulged in an alcoholic drink and had a Moscow Mule.   Sadly the martini I wanted was no longer offered. 

We took the train into the city on Sunday and took our time to the north side for the Cubs game.   I got to experience riding the subway on the way up and the "L" train on the way back to the train station after the game.   The homeless population makes rides on public transit interesting.   We got to the game plenty early and I got myself a nice big serving of nachos.  Nachos are my sport-event food choice.  I also got a hotdog and some CrackerJack.  It was quite warm though and I actually got a sunburn.   You'd think I'd realize that the sun would sunshine on a baseball game.   I have a nice fairly fully container of sunscreen in the closet at home (Thanks Nicole) and yet I rarely remember to use it. 

The ride home was rather tough since we were both tired.  I couldn't stay awake after we got into Iowa.   It was also tough to be perky for work the next day but I got it done!!  Another thank-you to LeAnn for supervising her nephew over the weekend.   He was happy to see pizza again...we've not had that for awhile.  

I'm going to have a long Friday due to a full day with ISU and a seminar for DMACC in the evening.   The light at the end of my tunnel is the fact that I don't have a lot planned for the weekend.   I hope Saturday morning begins with some sleeping-in action.   We're transporting a basset hound to its new home in the middle of the day.   I may focus on unpacking further....yes I still have boxes in parts of the house that still need to be unpacked.   I have too much crap.

Another biggie for the weekend is exercising more.  I need to at least go for some walks or something.  



LeAnn said...

Your first sentence is confusing. You decided to stay on track at work and not blog, but you published a blog.

Congrats on the successful weigh-in. I'm not sure successful is the right word, but you catch my drift. I'm glad Chicago was a enjoyable trip. I was a tinge worried after supper on Friday. I didn't want you guys to have a bad weekend. I'm surprised you didn't order a steak instead of pasta. Steak is sooooooo good. I hear ya about the sunburn. I got some sun Tuesday afternoon after 2-3 hours in the sun. I didn't expect a burn, but luckily, it was very light.

You're welcome for my "baby-sitting" service. It was an easy, low-key weekend. For my own benefit, I tried to not eat out too much or too often. However, your son said he wanted pepperoni pizza, so I order a pepperoni pizza for him and a cheese pizza for me. What does he do? He eats half of my pizza and barely touches his own. If he wanted a cheese pizza, he should have had me order him one.

I'm interested in some sleeping-in tomorrow too. Good luck in pushing yourself to be active this weekend. It should be nice, but sometimes it's almost impossible to motivate or make yourself exercise. The path around the park isn't too bad.

TGIF forshizzle.

project.100.gone said...

Ya that first sentence was confusing. I should have added that I was blogging at home since I didn't do that task at work.

What worried you after supper on Friday (prior to our Chicago trip)?

I was tempted to get a steak too but I had that pasta pesto dish in the past and it is so good. I had to get it again.

I'm surprised Gavin ate so much of your cheese pizza. He usually has to have a topping on it.