Sunday, August 19, 2012



I thought it would be wise to blog one more time before the semester kicks off tomorrow.  I have a few work-related tasks to do today so I'm 100% ready for tomorrow.   I really need to kick it in gear so I'm ready for DMACC too.  It doesn't help that the various DMACC campuses don't all start on the same date.  My Wednesday evening course begins on August 29.   My online course for DMACC begins on August 23.  

I was happy to visit Protivin yesterday and partake in Czech Days.   I made up from last year and won three times in Bingo.   Had some good food, saw family, rode on "The Sizzler", and invested in a Czech Day t-shirt.   The ride home was a little rough since I was tired but we made it back to Ankeny safe and sound. 

I kept my Weight Watchers in mind as I bopped around Protivin.  I was not going to miss out on Creamed Chicken.   Other than being a little salty, it was delicious.   I also indulged in cotton candy.   I wish I had walked around more but oh well.   I had one Czech roll (I can't spell it) and did not have any kolaches.   Fortunately I'm not a huge fan of kolaches so the temptation wasn't severe.   I did want a milkshake but I can have those anytime and anywhere so it really wasn't much of a treat. 

I just finished eating a scrumptious lunch.   I bought a package of gourmet pasta (made in Minnesota) when we last visited the Des Moines Farmers' Market.   I've done a good job of measuring out 2 ounces of the pasta so my portion size is accurate.  To make it more hearty, I usually saute' vegetables to add to the pasta and sauce.   It usually doubles the size of the meal.   Today I sauteed a small zucchini and mushrooms to add to the meal.   The zucchini and mushrooms are zero points for Weight Watchers.   I had hoped to post a picture of said pasta but it's taking mighty long for my phone to send it to my email account for download. 

Weight Watchers was successful last week as I lost another pound.  I had increaed my physical activity so I had expected to lose more.   The leader helped me realize that the soreness I was experiencing may had caused me to retain water (which made me think "Duh!" because I should know that fact).  My physical activity is low this week but I may go for a walk later and I should probably pinpoint a day to start using the treadmill.   It's collecting items like it did in Ames.   I think we have blankets sitting on it rather than having it cleared off for exercise purposes. 

I thought I had other topics to blog about but nothing's coming to mind at the moment.   I should probably dive into my work for tomorrow so I can relax later this evening and go to bed at a decent time.   Gavin and I have to be up at 7:15am so I can drop him off at school around 8am.   It's my plan to always leave for Ames after he's dropped off at school.   The earlier I get to ISU, the sooner I can leave in the afternoon (hopefully at 3:30pm) so I get back into Ankeny at a decent time.  

Here's my official "good-bye" to the summer.  

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

You know I thought about doing some work tasks today too, but the home stuff got in the way. It was a big problem last year - it's much harder for me to work on school things at home. I tend to watch too much tv, get distracted by other things, or clean instead of work. I think I'll have to do most of my work at school.

Anywho, it's funny how Czech Days marks the end of our summers. I'm glad I got my one win in, but you missed it. I didn't do the best eating thanks to the cotton candy and stuff at Grandma's. I couldn't work-out today, because the place is closed on Sundays in the summer. So tomorrow's workout will probably be hard but oh so necessary.

We'll see how it goes getting up early tomorrow. However, my real routine starts on Tuesday when students start. I'm not sure I'll get a blog out tonight or not.