Wednesday, May 9, 2012

It's May....Hallelujah!!!


I'm hoping to complete this blog entry tonight but I'll admit I'm fading fast.  I've felt sick most of the week and slept poorly.  I've also been eating poorly, not exercising, and Weight Watchers has been on the back burner.  I'm fairly confident that my poor sleeping and illness is related to the poor nutrition and lack of physical activity.  I just don't get it....I'll have spurts throughout the day of "you are going to work out later today" but by the time I get home I'm bushed and unmotivated is an understatement.  I'm scared that I've gained a lot of my weight back.  Major blah!

A positive event in life is the end of the spring semester.   It was wonderful to complete grading and submit my final grades for both institutions last week.   Surprisingly I gave the most Fs and Ds ever this spring.  Student motivation seems to have taken a dive.  So many are happy with just doing the minimum too so I was also surprised by the amount of Cs I assigned to students. 

I have been working on administrative tasks for the summer camp program.  I'm almost done hiring.  I'm still short on life guards and swimming instructors.  I haven't had many apply and those that have applied have expired certifications.   You'd think they'd check the dates on their cards before applying.  Perhaps they thought I'd not notice.  With the Office of Risk Management cracking down on all youth programs, I don't dare let things like that slip by.   I've been organizing meeting materials for the mandatory orientation I'm holding next Wednesday for all employees.   I am also training many in CPR and First Aid too.  We currently have 100 kids enrolled in the program and I'm willing to let a few more register.  I'm curious to see how many parents send in forms toward the end of the month.   Many forget to send in the forms or forget about the program until right before June and expect to be enrolled without an issue.   Sigh.

I'm also working one-on-one with a student that had a major class conflict this past fall.  The student is an athletic training and physical education major.   He had a class for both majors at the same time in the fall and one of the professors was not willing to work with him.  I taught the class a couple years ago so I figured I'd work with him for six weeks so he could complete the credits.   I have to be on campus often anyway so this is one of my good deeds for the summer.   I'm also trying to show the new professor that it's appropriate to go out of your way sometimes to help students.   There have been interesting politics with the new professors too but that's another entry for another day. 

I'm anxious for my youngest sister's graduation party later in the month.   It will be fun to hang out, see family, help out Mom, etc.   It will be nice to have a long weekend for some fun.   I have to go home the weekend before too for a wedding.  I wish I was more excited for it and the related festivities but I don't.  I feel very out of the loop with that group of friends.  

Ok, I think that's all for now.  My big goal is to get back on track wifh my health.   I obviously need to make that into more specific smaller goals.   I wish I wasn't so impulsive with my food choices.   I'm actually thinking about making an appointment with counseling on campus since they have dieticians on staff.  I think it's free for faculty.  :)

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm taking a break from grading. And, I think I'm going to pour myself a glass of wine. That's too bad about feeling like poo. I can sympathize as last week was hell for me. It was a totally different illness, but it ruined my productiveness. I'm trying to make up for it now. My hearing is so close to be back to normal. Hooray. I'm sure poor eating doesn't help our immune systems stay strong. I'm hoping we're getting the illnesses out of our system before Alissa's graduation party.

I'm jealous that you're done with your semester already. I have only three weeks, but I'm kinda in a summer mood, especially with my reading.

Students are so lazy. It's ridiculous. It's going to affect they're job-finding skills, like those of your applicants with expired licenses. What if I applied for a teaching job with an expired license - they'd not hire me. Plus, if I taught with an expired license, I could get in big trouble. I had one student accidentally mark that he was a sex offender on a job application. Needless to say, he didn't get hired. You have to be able to read!!!

Anywho, it's about time that you blog. I'm guessing that you're resting right now. That's probably the best idea along with staying hydrated. I think I'm going to Waukon this weekend, not next, so I won't be able to join for Jamie's wedding stuff. I guess maybe if you pick me up, I'd come, so I wouldn't have to drive. :) We'll see. Feel better!