Sunday, May 13, 2012

My Biggest Enemy...My Big Toe


I had planned to blog on Friday but I'm glad I did not.   I was so emotional on Friday and unhappy about a few things.  I'm sure that blog would have been a long rant of self-pity and anger.   I've had off and on issues with the toenail on my right big toe.  Well it got real irritating last week so I called the doc Friday morning and they got me in to look at it.   The doctor went back and forth about trying to work on it.  Her first choice was for me to go home for another week and soak it three times a day in episom salt to try and get the nail out myself.  I had tried that and could not get the toe to cooperate.  Luckily she was willing to numb up my toe and cut it out after some discussion.   I had a repeat of the dentist though.  She could not get my toe completely numb so sadly I felt more of the procedure than I wanted to.  I would have prefered to feel nothing of course.   After about ten minutes, she was done and half my big toe nail was gone.  Holy crap it was sore all of Friday and even on Saturday periodically.   Apparently I'll have a normal looking toenail in about 9 months since it will take that long for the missing side to grow back completely.  It's going to creep out those poor gals at the beauty school when I get some pedicures but TOUGH LUCK!  I have pictures but I'll keep those to myself.  They're a little nasty. 

I've also had some weird bouts of vertigo.  I spoke to the doctor about it too and they checked my blood sugar.   Blood work was fine.  I've been able to pinpoint when it happens so that's helpful.  I typically wake up with it whether I'm standing or still lying in bed.  If I make really quick movements (e.g. standing up quickly) I get dizzy.   I'll feel a little unsteady periodically but the really bad dizziness only occurs in the previously mentioned situations.   I'm hoping it will pass but I'm supposed to see the doctor again at the end of the week of the vertigo continues. 

On a very good note...we planted the garden today!!  It took maybe a few hours (including the trip to buy tomato and pepper plants).   We planted four hills of cucumbers, eight tomato plants (better boy hybrid), three pepper plants (yellow and red), green onion, carrots (short and sweet variety), and radishes.  I'm the most excited about the cucumbers.   We sadly found out that we'll need to cut down a tree that Jon planted several years ago as it's splitting down the center and rotting.  A good storm could actually knock a significant part of it down if it's windy enough.   Jon's bummed since trees aren't cheap and he did some nice landscaping around it.  However, it's removal may allow for us to extend the length of the garden next year.  I'm not sure what else I would plant but I'm sure we could add more veggies to the plot.

I have a lot of summer camp work to do this week.  I'll be hiring more life guards and aquatic instructors.  Thankfullly a couple emailed me this week asking to apply for the jobs.   Whew.   I have a mandatory meeting for all the employees on Wednesday.   I also need to sit down and do some finance/budget planning for the program too.  Exploring the budget always stresses me out because I want to keep the program affordable for families but I don't want to run in the red by the end of July.   Sigh.  I'm also starting a summer independent study with a student tomorrow morning.  He's a dual major with the department and was unable to take a required PE course in the fall.  It conflicted with a mandatory athletic training course.  Fortunately I taught the PE class before so I offered to work with him over the summer since I have to be at work often anyway.   If he had to wait for the official class again, it would throw off his graduation an entire year.  Not cool.   He's incredibly smart and diligent so the class should be a piece of cake. 

Onto some personal stuff...I'm meeting with a counselor tomorrow to discuss my eating habits and binge eating.  When going to the doctor, they of course always check weight and height.  I've gained a lot of my weight back.  And I knew this....I could tell by how my clothes are fitting, etc.  Iowa State provides resources for employees so I decided to check into it.  I get to visit with a professional three times for free.  Why not give it a try?  It's been very frustrating this time around because I know that my age makes my weight status more critical.  I'm no longer able to say that I'm overweight and still able to function well.  It's affecting my cholesterol, stamina, sleep, mental health, and maybe even this dizziness crap.   I'm not sure what to think about tomorrow's appointment but why not give it a whirl?  It's driving me nuts that I have a challenge in my life that I've not been able to attain for years.   Teenage pregnancy?  Did it.  College?  Made it through.  Graduate school?  Not a piece of cake, but accomplished my goals.  Losing weight and make my life healthier?  Seesaw back and forth every time I try it.  Blah!

Anyway...that's enough for now.   Hopefully this doesn't reek like self pity.  I hoped that waiting a couple days before blogging would prevent that.   :)


LeAnn said...

I'm so mad, because I had a comment all done like a day or two ago, and it didn't get finished, so I lost it. Hopefully I'll capture most of it. I'm glad I don't (knock on wood) have trouble with my toenails. Once in awhile they'll get ingrown, but I haven't had to resort to a doctor visit yet. Thanks for not sharing the pictures - I have no desire to see that. I'm also fortunate to not have had any issues (keep knocking on wood) with vertigo. I'm sure it would make teaching/working difficult.

Kudos on the garden. I realized a few years ago that having a garden is harder than you'd think. It's a lot of upkeep. However, I love food straight from the garden, so I'm sure it'd be worth it. I'm looking forward to zucchini and cucumbers mostly.

Your summers always sound so busy with camps and whatnot. I think I'd rather have my carefree, empty summer, but staying busy is a good thing too. I'm sure the money helps. I'm hoping to work on curriculum for next year over the summer.

Well, I already know the outcome of your counseling, so it sounds like it was worth it and gave you food for thought, pardon the pun. lol. I'm not sure it's fair to compare weight loss to issues like getting your masters or teen pregnancy. Plus, you're not the only one struggling. It's hard for everyone, so don't look at it like you're the only one fighting it.

Yay I finished it. P.S. I thought it was funny your title is "My Biggest Enemy . . . My Big Toe" as your blog ended with a different enemy.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

First of all, I'm very jealous of you and your garden. That is the worst thing about urban dwelling, no garden :-( Now, if I had to get rid of a tree and expand my garden, I would totally plant a plot of potatoes. Potatoes from the garden are probably one of the greatest gifts from God. Ever.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

p.s. I'm sorry about the toe. I hope it's feeling better. Also, I'm sure the pictures are AMAZING!! (I might have issues though)