Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Counseling Session Part I


So I started off my week in a proactive fashion and went through with the counseling session I scheduled at an office in Ames.  I set it up through the Employee Assistance Program that Iowa State offers its employees.  I had expected to be nervous and worried about the appointment but I really wasn't.  I was really comfortable talking to her (I picked a female seemed odd to talk to a guy about all this). 

She took time asking about my family, my past, and all that relevant information.  I went into it thinking I wasn't going to learn anything new.  I've been telling myself for months...years that I know what I need to do and I know all the facts about weight loss.   I have to admit some of her questions for me were quite hard.  The first tough question was "If you had three wishes, what would they be?"   Another difficult question asked what I did for myself on a regular basis to relax and replenish myself.   One of her main conclusions at the end of our hour together was that I'm a "yes" person and that I'm not putting myself first very often.   She thinks that I'm using food as my tool for relaxation and comfort because I no longer use or have other sources.   I had never thought about it that way.   She is correct, I don't really utilize my hobbies anymore.  I don't play tennis anymore.  I really don't get together with friends anymore for Ladies Night Out.   I do try to read for pleasure but that's not very consistent.   She said it's no wonder that I turn to food at night because it's become the consistent source of comfort and endorphin-release in my life.   She gave me some homework/questions to think about before we meet again:

  • What am I going to consider adding to my life to bring me pleasure and relaxation?
  • What am I feeling prior to eating at inappropriate times? 
I was very impressed with her understanding.  I know she's paid to not degrade me or make me feel stupid but she did a good job refering to the science of overeating and how a person can become addicted to food.   She recognized my education and knowledge and really helped me realize how my past and present situations seem to be sabotaging my health. 

Another great visual she presented was that of a glass of liquid.   She made me think about all the "straws" that are depleting me in terms of my energy and attention.   There is a straw for Gavin, ISU, Jon, immediate family, friends, the Red Cross, and any other responsibility in my life.  She said for every straw that depletes me, I need to have a source replenishing my energy, providing attention, and renewing my sanity in life.   I really don't have many sources for that.   And the sources I do have are not being utilized very well.  

I do want to see her again but it won't be for weeks since her schedule is very full and she has time off for a wedding.   It will give me several weeks to do some thinking and make some simple changes.  

On a completely separate is a picture of the complete garden.   I didn't take any pictures of the garden with the fence erected around it but Jon did set one up to ensure the basset hound doesn't get in and dig.  We do have the occasional rabbit in the yard too so I wanted them to have reduced access too.   I bopped down to Ankeny tonight to water it.   It needs to grow faster.  Ha.

That's it for now! 


LeAnn said...

Well, it sounds like she earned her title, job, and money. It sounds like she made a lot of good points. I can see some of it in my own life. I tend to stay home rather than go out and try to have fun or be active. By staying home, I'm more likely to sit a lot and eat too much. Anywho, the homework sounds good and helpful too. I would love it if you yelled at Jon or Gavin - "get your straw out of me!" or "take your straw out of my glass!" lol!

Maybe some replenishment and relaxation will find its way into your schedule this summer. Lovely garden.

Healthy Lady in Progress said...

It sounds like your first session was great. It's nice to be able to talk to these things with someone who really knows what you need. I hope that your future sessions help you find your path to success. The glass analogy is great. I think we should all think about that.

I love how you have a picture of your garden at the bottom of this blog. While it might not seem like it, working a garden can be a great source of stress relief, replenishment, and relaxation. It's hard work, sure, but you can put so much into it. It's actually one of the ways that my mom dealt with her stress. She would spend hours in her garden. I didn't get it when I was younger but I do now.