Thursday, February 9, 2012

Ten Behavior Skills Lucky People Use to Succeed

It pays to poke around in my office and find random documents.  I found this handout amongst the rubble.  It's from a guest speaker we had visit the department in 2009.  I think the themes can certainly be applied to health-related changes in life.  Heck they can be applied to many situations in life. 

1) Look for the good in people and situations

Expect the best from people and situations.  Be grateful for what you have.  Being grateful leads us to attract and create more things to be grateful for.  Learn to appreciate yourself and your accomplishments.  Don't put off being happy.  Don't wait for something great to happen.  Accept and appreciate yourself and your life right now.  Stop complaining about the negative (or perceived negative) and start talking about the positive.

2) Believe and succeed

There is increasing evidence in scientific and psychosocial literature that you become what you think about.  Successful people visualize their goals and think about them often.  One of the best times to do this is before you sleep.

3) Set Goals (in writing)

It's easy to set mental goals but you need to see them in a tangible form whether you write them in a blog or on a note you tack to the refrigerator.  You need constant reminders of those goals.  Sadly most of us are too distracted to remember to simply think about them regularly.  Put reminders in your car, write them on a bookmark, or anywhere you star at frequently.

4) Overcome fear of failure and procrastination

The hardest part of most jobs or tasks is simply starting them.  Action cures fear and procrastination.  Water doesn't flow until you turn on the faucet.   Don't worry if the actions aren't perfect just be happy you are taking action and moving in the right direction.

5) Be ferociously persistent

The most successful people in the world have had countless failures.  The key to success is how you respond to setbacks or disappointment.  Don't give up.  Don't take 'no' for an answer.

6) Ask and you shall receive

He simply recommends that we read a book called "The Aladdin Factor" by Jack Canfield and Mark Hanson.

7) Constantly strive to improve your vocabulary and communication skills

OK this one may not have a huge connection to lifestyle changes but we can all agree that poor communication is a huge pain in the butt.  I wish everyone prioritized the goal of sounding professional when the speak and write.

8) Enter into partnerships or collaborations with others who have skills, abilities or resources you don't have.

You can also benefit from those partnerships if other people have similar goals.  I'm struggling to find a work out partner that's in Ames.  I know I'll have one when I move to Ankeny.

9) Develop excellent people skills

Take a genuine and sincere interest in other people.  Praise co-workers and associates.  Build the self-esteem of those around you.  Don't always tell people, show them by examples.  Mother Teresa stated "People around us are starving for appreciation and acknowledgment and we have the ability to give them this gift on a regular basis."  Be enthusiastic about everything you do and be a person of high integrity.  Do what you say you're going to do.  Avoid arguments and always allow for the other person to save face. 

10) Work hard and practice the above-references techniques/behaviors on a daily basis

You cannot learn success strategies by reading books or listening to lectures.  You have to practice them on a daily basis so they become habitual.

None of the secrets of success will work unless you do. 


Healthy Lady in Progress said...

Very nice. A lot of these ideas are similar to the movie and book called 'The Secret.' My dad got it for all of us kids a few years back for Christmas. I look forward to putting these things into practice!

LeAnn said...

It's a nifty list. I like the communication one - it reminds me of the class I teach. I also like the idea of writing the goals, so they're visual every day. I saw something on Pinterest that I should do. I should put a sign on my refrigerator that says, "Walk away fatty." It would at least make me stop and think.

My problem (or so I think) is that I need to find the right motivation or strong enough motivation to accomplish my goals. I've been thinking about what that motivation could be: money? love? happiness? power? I don't know.
