Friday, February 10, 2012

Awaiting Monday

I am once again anxious for Monday due to my weigh-in at Weight Watchers.  You may have noticed I didn't have a gloating blog entry after this past Monday.   Yup, I gained weight.  I expected to gain actually due to some choices over the weekend.  I was expecting a pound but the wonderful scale decided to add 0.2 extra.  I wasn't pleased but it isn't something that's going to knock me off my path.   A woman in my row hit her 35 lbs loss and spoke about it.  She had been super close to her 35 lbs goal since November.  She fluctuated and had weeks of no loss for 2 months!  It's amazing how the human body can make change in the right direction difficult.  I've gotten my eating back on track this week and I'm hoping I lose that 1.2 lbs or a little more.  I'm so close to 15 lbs!

I'm finally starting to get a little burnt out on yogurt.  I expected this to happen and I tend to eat a lot of a food and suddenly need a break from it.  I'm waiting for that to happen with tomato soup too.   I did some investigating with bread last night and found a product that won't use up 8-10 points for two pieces.  I wasn't happy with the Sara Lee products at Wal-Mart but found a WheatSmart bread from Wonder.  Two pieces = 2 points.  Bread and carbohydrates can be so deceiving.  I was so sure my multigrain choice a couple weeks ago would be spectacular for points and nope. 

My cravings have not been for "bad" foods.   I'm not craving my Doritos or anything like that.  The overeating from last weekend was due to portion problems.  Cheddar cheese and crackers are wonderful and I can't stop myself from eating a whole sleeve of Ritz crackers (wheat) and a huge chunk of cheese.  I've curbed that this week because we're out of crackers.  My snacking is reappearing at night again too when I'm at the computer or watching TV.  I need another lesson in making things with yarn Nicole!  I need to keep my hands busy at night with crafts or something. 

Swim & Gym started this week and it started off well!  We only have 16 kiddos but that's alright.  We may have some more join late but it's less stressful having a low number.  Some of the kids' personalities warrant them for being counted twice.  I started the advertising process today for the summer camp too.  I created the new flyer and enrollment form.   I gave the massive registration packet to Risk Management for review too since they take forever to approve it for me.  I need that document by April 1.  The next big endeavor for the program is hiring staff.  I'm hoping that plenty of PE majors are needed part-time work. 

I guess that's all.  I'm about ready to head home for the day and do some cleaning.  It occurred to me that I need to tidy up for the sake of the place being cleaner, so I can pack efficiently, but also the manager will be showing our apartment to people.   I'd be quite embarrassed if people saw my bedroom and my workspace in the dining room. 



Healthy Lady in Progress said...

I hope your weigh-in goes well on Monday Jenny. Gaining back is nothing to be ashamed of. Fluctuations are all a part of this weight loss thing. Especially when you only weigh once each week and at night. If your lunch is still in your stomach your weight will be up. Just watch how it trends over time. As long as it's going down your golden!

I can understand the burnout with your yogurt, I used to have that when I ate regular yogurt. However, I think my Greek yogurt is one of those magical foods that I'll never get sick of, kind of like cottage cheese. I could eat it at every meal of the day and still want more.

I'm glad you found a bread you like. Life isn't worth it if you can't have bread.

I really need to clean today too. My apartment is BAD. I would be embarrassed if anybody walked in. Thats on the agenda for today.

LeAnn said...

Ditto with the weigh-in. If I lost 15 pounds, I think I would be elated. Maybe I should work on that, right? I'm still having a yogurt dilemma in Charles City. I was having success with a certain brand of raspberry yogurt (big container). I liked putting Grape Nuts in it for a healthy side dish at lunch. The yogurt is unfindable (I know that's not a word). However, I'm surprised you're burnt out. I don't think I could ever be burnt out of yogurt. I just bought some today. Fortunately for me (?), I do not consume much bread. I usually end up throwing half or more of the loaf. I think I make up for it with pasta.

Good luck with the Swim and Gym stuff. I have the play starting sooner than I'd like. Those types of extra activities cause a bit of stress. Stop snacking! I shouldn't talk. But still . . .