Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Taking a Step in the Right Direction


Today has been kind of a rough day at the summer camp so I'm hiding in my office. Many of my employees appear to be in bad moods and the negativity has spread all afternoon. Sigh. I blame the somewhat rainy weather....yet it's humid as hell and still uncomfortably warm.

I went to a Weight Watcher's meeting last night. I was very excited to give it another go...they've made more changes to the program. They seem to be like the Red Cross. As soon as everyone is familiar with the information, they update and change it. I will admit right now I don't fully understand the changes. It took them an incredibly long time to reactivate me as a member. I'm disappointed because the online portion of the program still doesn't recognize me as reactivated. I haven't had the motivation to email them about it yet. I made it into about ten minutes of the meeting and started feeling awful. I got that hot-then-cold feeling and felt extremely sick to my stomach. The fun part was that I was sitting in the front row and had to bolt in the middle of the discussion. Not sure I should have driven home considering I was dizzy and very nauseated but luckily my home is 2 blocks away. It was a rough night but sleeping a bunch seemed to fix the issue. I still don't have an appetite though. Nothing seems tasty or good so hopefully Gavin has ideas for supper. I was planning to stay after the meeting to learn about the changes to the program...hopefully I can do that on Saturday morning or Monday evening.

I was actually surprised by my weight when they did my first weight check yesterday. Sadly I was expecting to be over 300 lbs but I'm not. I'm certainly not proud of my weight but am excited to try and lose 5% of my total weight. I'm glad they set up their weight loss process with small attainable goals. I keep thinking "oh I wish I was 200 lbs again" but I have to do it in baby steps. I did a self-assessment online and it made me giggle. They want me between 157-176 lbs in order to be in my health weight range. I can't even imagine what I'd look like if I was that thin. I'm hanging on to 200 as a goal and if I weigh less than that...good for me.

The only thing I got from the meeting before dry heaving was having a rainbow on your plate when you eat. I'm very fortunate that I like numerous vegetables. I have no problem incorporating them into my diet. Fruit though....not so easy. I have a hard time eating enough fruit each day. I did buy some plums on a whim two weeks ago and they were delicious. When my appetite is back, I'm hoping to hit the produce section and actually use a fruit bowl in my home.

Well I think that's enough for now. Just wanted to get a blog in this week (and it's helping me look busy at my desk).


LeAnn said...

I've never had employees, so I can't comment on that. However, I've dealt with disgruntled students, so I have an idea.

I didn't realize it was a WW meeting that you got sick at. That's inconvenient timing. I have heard about some of their changes. New point assignments and such. Your little story reminded me of my freshmen year. I remember getting sick in one of my classes, to the point of having to leave. I felt so embarrassed. Not really the same thing, but oh well.

It's good your weight was lower than you predicted. It's better than the alternative. I'm sure your work schedule combined with the heat/humidity is what is causing your illness.

I had a colorful salad today, so hopefully that counts as a rainbow. Yes, this counts as a blog this week, but I know Nicole and I would enjoy hearing from you more often. LoL.

project.100.gone said...

First, that really sucks that you got sick at your meeting. What a great way to start your new sessions. I'm glad that you're feeling better though. I'm sure the appetite isn't far behind.

Great job on getting to the meeting. The first step is always the hardest, as cliche as that might be. I hope that you get a handle on the new points system and all of the changes. They sure do like to keep you on your toes, don't they?

I really love this time of year for fruits, and veggies for that matter! Everything is so damn tasty and much cheaper than in the off season. How silly is it that we pay the most for produce when it's out of season and not great?!?! What is your specific road block with fruit? Do you just not care for many fruits or do you just not buying something that expires so quickly or is so hit or miss with quality, because that's my problem right now.

Good luck with WW and I hope you continue to feel better.