Thursday, July 7, 2011

It's been too long....

Howdy all:

It's been entirely too long since I've last blogged. A lot has happened lately so I'll give some summaries.

First of all, my Bonneville is at the mechanic again. My check engine light turned on last week. I went and got an oil change done the other day and they completed other maintenance on it. However, they aren't the kind of place that hooks your car up to the computer to see why the check engine light is on. I had intended to take my car to the mechanic on Monday but it didn't want to wait that long. I noticed a puddle under it last night (not sure if it's oil or coolant) and decided it better go in today. Unfortunately, I didn't have an appointment so they can't tell me when they'll get to it. I may not have a car until next Monday. I'm getting sick of putting money into that vehicle but I'm not prepared to get a different vehicle yet. I keep trying to save for a different car but it's difficult when I have to keep pulling money out of that account to make repairs.

Jon and I took a trip to Chicago over the weekend. We went to the "Taste of Chicago" and tried several foods. I had cheesy tator tots, cheddar & jalapeno pierogies, mac & cheese bites (surprisingly good), and a chocolate covered frozen banana on a stick. Jon had a good was like walking around the food vendors at the State Fair. We also went on a river cruise in the afternoon and got a tour on the architecture in Chicago. It was a really cool 90 minute cruise up and down the river. I found out that the river actually flows backwards so crappy water doesn't go into Lake Michigan and impact the drinking water. We went to Harry Carey's for supper and were surprised by the atmosphere of the restaurant. We were under the impression that it was a burger joint since people go there to watch sports. It was actually a semi-fancy steakhouse. I had a wonderful pesto penne dish. I hadn't had pesto in a long time and it was fantastic. It incorporated sun-dried tomatoes and asparagus in the dish. Jon had a bison filet and it was delicious too. I don't remember the last time I spent that much on a meal. On Saturday, we went to The Museum of Science and Industry to see the Body World's exhibit. It was really cool to see the aging process and how poor health can affect the body and organs. They also explained how they preserve the bodies and create their exhibit. I'm actually considering the idea of donating my body to a project like that because I find it neat that a body can be used to educate others. We went to south Chicago later that day to have dinner with Jon's friend. We went to a nice local Italian place and I had mushroom ravioli. I was the only one without a huge portion and my food was delicious. We also got a tour of the homes in the area since they were older and very fancy. We headed to Waukon on Sunday after visiting Eli's Cheesecake. Sounds like we are going to Chicago again in October for a hockey game.

Prior to the Chicago trip, Jon and I had a nice discussion about my health. I have a hard time talking about my weight/health with him. I think it's due to embarrassment. I can't remember how the topic was brought up but it's helped with my motivation to make some changes. We all know that social support is critical for change. I've discovered that I'm the type of person that needs face-to-face support. I'm not knocking this blog or anything but I've not been accountable simply through blogging. If I involve Jon with my weight loss process, I feel I'll have more success. It's also a relief to know he's not judging me...he just wants me happy. I have to commend Nicole for making such wonderful progress while being so far from Iowa. I'm not sure I could stay on track in the same situation.

I'm feeling pulled toward Weight Watchers to start with some accountability reinforcement. It seems silly to pay an organization to weigh me but I think it would do me good to surround myself by others on the same mission. The meeting place is 2 blocks from my home too. I wish I was comfortable enough to have someone weigh me at work but alas I don't. I'm not comfortable hopping on a scale in front of Jon either. Hopefully that will change over time. I think my work schedule for the fall will help with my weight loss plan too. I am only scheduled to teach on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I do have a class on Friday but it will only meet once during the first week of the semester and takes place online for the rest of the fall. I will have to travel periodically on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since I'm supervising 3 student teachers. It's my hope that I can workout on MWF. My hectic schedule on Tues and Thurs will actually keep me active too because my classes are back-to-back throughout the day.

The department hired a PE professor so my workload has changed (for the better in my opinion). I'm still the physical activity coordinator so I'll still be supervising graduate students that are teaching for the department. I'm still running Swim & Gym on Tues and Thurs afternoons too. I start my day at 9am on Tues/Thurs and will be teaching three classes throughout the day and ending things with Swim & Gym. I will probably get home around 6pm. It should be an interesting set-up. I'm teaching HS 110 for the first time too. It's essential the same thing I teach at DMACC but of course it has a different textbook. Grrr.

My main qualm about my health right now is my lower back. I've had periodic pain (usually when I wake up or sit for long periods of time). Sadly it's the type of pain that suddenly shoots up or down my body. It freaks me out at times because almost makes my knees give out. I have a sneaking suspicion my discs are degenerating further in my lower back. And yes, my weight isn't helping that. I wanted to get to the chiropractor this morning but my car took priority. I wanted to get it to the mechanic pronto so I had time to get to work and organize myself. Sigh.

I think that's enough rambling for now. I need to whip out some work before Summer Youth Fitness starts at 1pm. I'll be in the pool for most of the afternoon helping with swim lessons. Have a good one!


LeAnn said...

It has been too long. It's too bad your Bonnie is breaking down gradually. It's such a stress. I remember when Esmeralda had her numerous problems in Cedar Falls. Walking from my apartment to the College Square Mall for work one night was a total bummer. I can sympathize. I would hope that our family or Jon could help you out. It's times like these that you really do need others. Sorry I'm not closer. I hope it turns out to be an easy (and cheap) fix so you can have it back before Monday.

The Chicago trip sounds fun. Maybe you can be my tour guide if I ever go to Chicago. You've been there so many times I would think you'd know your way around. Group trip to Chicago in the future? Maybe. Did your winnings from the boat help out? An expensive meal on vacation is almost a must. I'm surprised you didn't get steak.

Your health talk with Jon sounds good/healthy. What spurred it? I think it's a special kind of trust if you and Jon can talk about it and support each other. That's something I could never do with Jason. He was happy with his weight and had no trouble telling me his weight. I, on the other hand, could never do that. It's a good thing to do with the person you want to be with forever. You actually gave me an idea that I want to include in my next blog (which might be today).

You'd think that joint pain like back or knees would be incentive to lose weight as well as the confidence it gives, the wearing of smaller sizes, etc. I'm stuck in the boat where I know those things would be rewarding, but I still can't force myself to get active. I'm thinking of your back pain and my knee pain, by the way. Just keep trying. It's clear, no offense, that we've failed more than once. However, you never know if the next time you try might work or if somehow you acquire the discipline. That's what I'm going with. If it were easy, we'd all be the perfect size. Yes, I'm jealous of Nicole too.

I'm glad you blogged!

project.100.gone said... has been too long and I was feeling Jenny (and LeAnn deprived). I was so excited to see 2 blog entries to read!

Sorry about the car. I hate spending money on a car if it's not worth it. At some point you just have to say enough is enough though...hopefully it's a cheap fix and she'll pull through this time.

We discussed your trip on messenger the other night but it still sounds like fun. I agree with LeAnn that you'll be a Chicago pro in the near future. And just an FYI, Chicago is the mid point between Ann Arbor and NE Iowa so LeAnn's group trip sounds like a splendid idea to me! Also, the ravioli sounds delightful.

I'm glad that you were able to have a health/weight talk with Jon. It's so important to have someone who can be supportive as you're trying to make healthy changes in your life because it's not easy and there are times when you just want to give up. I hope that you're able to find a good WW meeting or even a friend near you to help keep you accountable. Don't give up on yourself. At some point, for some reason it will stick. You'll figure out how to make it work for you. If there is anything you need/want me to do just let me know.

I'm sorry about the back pain you've been having. It's a double edged sword. Pain makes being active difficult but to lose the weight to help with the pain you need to be active. My advice is to just take things slowly and listen to your body. Sorry, I know that sounds really trite.