Tuesday, July 19, 2011

History Repeats Itself!

Hey all:

I went to my second Weight Watcher's meeting tonight. My weight has stayed the same...I'm not shocked. I didn't understand the program completely since I left early last week. I do admit that I could have made better choices throughout the week. I ate too much ice cream and I ate too late into the evening. The heat isn't helping though. I am not hungry in the morning, at lunch, or into the afternoon due to the temperatures. I'm famished by dinner and into the evening. Sigh. Anyway. I made it through the first part of the meeting. They discussed struggles during the summer. Many people commented on the number of weddings, family reunions, graduation parties, or general parties they attend. The leader also discussed how to make better choices when it comes to alcohol.

Things went downhill at the end of the main meeting. I stayed after today to get information about the changes to the program. As soon as I moved to the front row and the lady started talking, I started to feel ill. I got the hot-cold feeling again and got severely nauseated. I had to excuse myself once to go hurl but I stayed and got through the meeting. I hope I got all the information. I must be allergic to the front row at that place. I was sitting in the front row last week when I got sick too. It was probably my heat exhaustion setting in. The heat sucked at work today.

Anyway....they use Points Plus now at Weight Watchers. It used to just be points but they updated it based on nutritional research. They used to only take fat and fiber into account when creating point values for food. Now they use protein, carbs, fiber, and fat to create the point value. They also calcuate your daily point total each week when you weigh in and post it on the sticker that shows your weight gain or loss. In the past I used to be around 32-34 points a day. Now I'm at 48 points. I didn't buy one of their calculators because I want to use the Point AP on my smartphone. Sadly the Weight Watcher site isn't recognizing me fully so I can't access that AP yet. Hopefully their technical support team responds soon.

This is the second to last week of Summer Youth Fitness. It really sucks that the head index is 112. The kids and employees were pretty miserable today. I'm extending swim time tomorrow so I hope that helps. I've liked running the program (most of the time) but I'm really going to enjoy having some time off in August.

I should be buying a new car this week. It's a Ford Fusion. I'm still negotiating with the dealership and need to discuss a warranty extension. Hopefully they cooperate because the heat has reduced my motivation to visit other car lots. It will be interesting...I've never made car payments before. My bank has some sweet interest rates though so it's very doable. My Bonneville is rapidly losing ground.

Well that's about it for now. Stay cool!


project.100.gone said...

It's a very interesting response that you're having at your meetings. The heat can do some really terrible things to us thought so I wouldn't put making you ill past it. I hope that things start to work out and that you remain healthy and well through your upcoming meetings.

I think the changes to the points is really smart. I've never done WW but I've known people in the past who have and it always seemed short sided to me to focus only on fiber and fat. I hope that the new system helps create better health and nutrition for those following the plan.

I can't believe you're down to the home stretch with SYF. I'm sure the heat is making it miserable. Thank God the pool is up and running.

I'm very excited about the car. It's so much fun getting a new ride and not having to worry that it's going to break down on you. YOu'll have to post pictures when you get it!

LeAnn said...

It's so weird about your near-sudden illness at WW meetings. Your body is being counterproductive, lol. I remember hearing about the new points program, but I wasn't sure how or why. It's good that they take into consideration the different types of nutrients we need and base the points on that.

I bet this past week or so has been killer for your program. Your swimming idea reminded me of something I heard on the radio yesterday. There were pools in Rochester, MN, that were letting people swim for free just because of the heat. Alissa went tubing the other day too. I guess I wish I could spend some time in the water, but I wouldn't want to around here and I'm too busy anyway. Oh well.

Obviously, the car situation has changed. At least you have narrowed it down to wanting a Ford Fusion. Best of luck!