Sunday, July 10, 2011

Good-bye evil thigh killing bars...mwahahaha!

I am so far behind on blogging I can't even believe it. I have so many recipes to share and just fun little things that I don't even know where to begin. I figure I'll explain my title, my weight loss conundrum of the week and leave it there for now. If I try and get into anything else I won't be able to get out of here in time to see the new Transformers movie...I can't wait! I figure it's a million degrees outside today so why not spend the day in a dark, freezing cold theater?!?!

I don't know how familiar you are with public transportation. I just assume that anybody who has been to a university knows the horrors of having to ride the bus. I've found that it's always prudent to get a seat because most of the drivers I've ever had the pleasure of meeting seem to think that there are only two speeds: warp speed and slamming on breaks. However, there are times in life when we have to make difficult decisions. Sometimes the only sanctuary between you and the sadistic driving habits of the bus driver is that teeny tiny spot left next to the vertical bar that is there for standers to hold on to.

As a large person, I have pondered the many pros and cons of taking that seat. Pro, I am not going to fall into anybody's lap when I unceremoniously lose my balance and stumble. Con, if I do manage to wedge myself into the seat, the bar is going to painfully dig into my thigh the entire 10 minute bus ride. In the past I have tended to gird my loins and deal with the pain, it's so much better than face planting on a crowded bus. However, I haven't been on a super crowded bus in some time. I get there early enough in the morning that I can usually snag a single seat. I prefer to not have to worry about the questionable hygiene of some of my fellow commuters. I have also been walking with my co-worker Patti at night when the bus is much more congested so I haven't had to deal with the evil bar of doom in the evenings either. However, this past week Patti was gone which meant either walking the 3 miles to my car, which at night I just want to get home, or riding the bus.

I was lucky earlier in the week. I assume people took a few extra days to extend the holiday weekend and the bus wasn't too bad at all. Come Thursday though, business was back to usual and when I boarded my bus it was jam packed except for that little, evil seat. I was going to stand but it had been a long day and I figured I could handle the bar for 10 minutes and worked my way to the back of the bus. As the bus was pulling away from the stop, I slid into the seat. After adjusting my bags to keep them from encroaching on my neighbors lap I took a deep breath and settled in for the ride. We were about two stops down the road when I realized something, no pain.

It took a minute for this to sink in. How was it even possible that there was no pain? I slouched around in my seat for a minute, my neighbor probably thought I was losing my mind, but no matter how I sat the bar wasn't killing me! I was so excited! Now, I don't know if my thighs are thinner or if my butt is losing cushion so I now sit further back in the seat and a more narrow part of my thigh is level with the bar (it's probably a bit of both), but I don't really care why. I'm just excited that it's happened! I wanted to shout for joy, although that probably would have sealed the deal for my neighbor and she would have called and had me committed. I haven't had any 'oh, wow' moments in a while so I have to admit that I was pretty ecstatic!

Needless to say I'm still plugging away. I was going to post early last week that I was really excited to have broken into the 270's! I don't know why the 270's hold so much meaning for me, after all, it's still a long way from where I need to be but I've been looking forward to it for a while. However, as soon as I got into the high 270's my weight dive bombed. I don't know if it's from the running, maybe my metabolism is going crazy, or if it's from all of the water I've been drinking since it got so damn hot but I started the week at 280.1 on Monday and weighed in at 272.2 today. I know that some of the 9.4 pounds I lost this week was just getting rid of the 4.5 pounds I retained last week when I had my period but that's still a lot of weight to drop in a week. I've been drinking almost a gallon of water every day so I know it's not a dehydration thing and I've been eating all of my calories so I figure I'll ride it out for a while and hopefully things will level off. I'm still not convinced it's anything to worry about but if it doesn't level off in the next week or so I might make an appointment at the clinic just to make sure everything is good. I want to lose weight but I want to do it the right way.

Alright, I think that's it for now. I promise I'll post my recipes when I get a chance, maybe even later today. Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a fabulous week!


LeAnn said...

For some reason, I'm not dying to see the new Transformers movie. I like those types of movies, but I've never really got excited for any of the Transformers movies. Oh well. Enjoy. I still say go to Bridesmaids if it's available. I now know that Jenny will agree, just ask her.

Moving on, I never rode a bus at college, so I had a somewhat hard time picturing your situation. However, I think I understood it well enough. Take whatever benefits and perks you can with weightloss. It seems you stumbled across an unexpected one. I'm sure you'll realize more and as the weight comes off, more and more perks will show up.

I hate the weight-game of menstruation. Plus, the fact that it happens every month. That's so not fair. I want to work-out today, but the wellness center in town is apparently closed on Sundays. It's too warm out to do anything. Bummer.

I look forward to your upcoming blogs!

project.100.gone said...

Both Gavin and I are excited to see Transformers...we may try to catch a weekday showing some evening. I did see Bridesmaids on Friday with Jon. Frick'n hilarious!

I have experienced the misery of the Cyride bus here at ISU. I haven't ridden the bus reguarly since 2009 but I remember the agony of cramming into small spaces. I wasn't horribly worried about the bars, I was worried about invading my neighbor's space. I hated standing because we also had driver's with heavy feet and I'd lose my balance a lot when they braked.

It's always nice when you realize these small successes along the weight loss journey. People always seem to fixate on the usual stuff: smaller clothing sizes, thinner bodies, etc. It's nice when those extra surprises make an appearance.