Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I've Missed the Blog!

Hey all-

I am so happy that I am blogging. I've thought about the blog a lot lately. If I had $1 for every time I've wanted to hop online and blog, I'd have a significant amount of money. Luckily I was able to come home tonight after Swim & Gym and relax and lay low for the most part. Since my Wednesdays are less strenuous I can get a fair amount of work done during the day tomorrow.

I very anxious for October for numerous reasons. My workload will drop a little bit because I'll be done assessing TAs at the end of the month. Do you remember being assessed Tiffany or Nicole? I remember Michael watching me teach HS 105 once but that was it. I'm trying to institute a process where TAs are assessed early in each semester and later in the semester. It really eats away at my time though trying to watch 15 graduate students teach a full class in a two week span of time.

I'm also anxious for October because fall weather will officially set in. We had taste of cool weather but it's been hot and uncomfortable this week. The humidity was killer today. I want to officially shut off my air conditioner and keep my windows open for cool nights. I am anxious to pull out my Halloween decorations too. Gavin hasn't figured out his costume for this year yet but I'm happy that he's leaning towards scary.

I've been having health problems for about a month and I've been pretty private about it. I've been to the doctor numerous times and had a lot of blood drawn. My last visit included a neurological exam too. I've been nauseated and dizzy off and on for about a month now. My energy levels have been an issue the last two weeks too. Last week was especially bad and I have symptoms almost every day that would influence my ability to work and/or drive. My doctor has been unable to find a source of my problems though. My blood work is not indicating diabetic tendencies, infection, or thyroid problems. My liver and kidney function are ok too. I passed the neurological exam with flying colors. I think it may just be my stress level that is wearing my body down from time to time. Weight loss may help alleviate my issues too.

My classes have been going very well at ISU. I am on schedule or a little bit ahead with my lectures and activities in all classes. I'm a little behind with my DMACC lectures. It's tough to cover 1-2 chapters in my once-a-week lecture on Wednesdays. It's tough to leave content out so I can be efficient with my time. It doesn't help that many of my students treat my health and wellness lectures like rocket science. Half of the class at DMACC has dropped the class so I only have 10 students. The motivation and passion for learning are so much different than the atmosphere I see at ISU.

My main stressor this week is a lecture I'm completing for a coaching clinic at DMACC. I have to help lecture for periodic coaching clinics since it's part of my contract. I have to teach for 5 hours on Friday night. Who wants to attend a class on Friday night?!?!? I know the timing of the class is going to reduce the motivation of the participants greatly. They are going to be anxious to leave all night. I have to lecture on basic human development, some sport psychology content, and common issues with coaching. Sadly I still need to create my Power Point for that evening and generate any handouts that could be useful. I'm going to do a lot of group activities and active discussion because that's a lot more interesting.

Exercise has been at a standstill for me. My weight has been steady though. I was worried that I have gained since the end of August but I think my busy lifestyle helps me burn some calories each day. My diet has been awful. There has been a lot of eating out and convenience foods in my life. My energy in the evenings is often very low and I really don't want to cook. I want to make some casseroles this weekend so I can have them ready to go and bake. Or I'll bake some ahead of time and have a nice amount of leftovers to eat from throughout the week. I need to start making weekly goals so I can make the necessary baby steps to a healthier way of living. I priorities are on work again and I need to redirect my energy.

Ok, I'm ending this before it becomes a novel. Hope everyone is having a good week!


Nicole said...

We have missed you too but we all understand how sometimes it's just not possible to blog. I'm glad your Tuesday nights offer you a little bit of a breather, you need that every once in a while.

I too am anxious for October and true fall weather. It was over 90 degrees yesterday...gross. It was 77 in my apartment this morning when I woke up. It definitely doesn't motivate me to get up and and spend time on my appearance when it's that hot in the morning...why worry about hair and make-up when it just all melts off and my hair frizzes?

I'm glad you're observing the TAs. Michael observed literally one half of one lecture when I was a GA and it wasn't even in my first semester.

I can't wait to see what Gavin comes up with for Halloween..you'll have to post pictures!

I'm sorry that you've been having some health issues. While I'm glad that things are coming back normal I know it can be frustrating to have no cause for the symptoms...I've been there, I know what it's like. I'll keep you in my thoughts as you work through this.

I'm sorry to hear that you haven't been able to do the lifestyle things that you want but you have such a ridiculous schedule it doesn't surprise me. I wish I lived closer...I would cook for you to help. When I win the lottery and I'm rich you can either come live on my farm with me or I'll hire you a chef!

I hope the remainder of your week goes well!

LeAnn said...

I'm glad you blogged. How is that you wouldn't tell your sister about health issues? How dare you! I hope it solves itself or you find the source. I can feel the effects of stress. I'm exhausted by Wednesday despite the amount of sleep I get.

Sorry, but my comment is going to be super short due to the need to write a test and get some sleep. Thank heavens tomorrow is Friday. Sleep! Hopefully the temperature go back to the 60s, so the days and nights are pleasant.

Call, email, or text if you need anything. I'm looking forward to Gavin's Halloween pictures too. I'm hoping to do a fun, creative-writing thing for Halloween. We shall see.

Hope you blog again soon.