Wednesday, September 15, 2010 for the win...

Don't worry ladies, I don't have another really long blog entry for you. This should be short and sweet. First of all I want to toot my own horn...a girl has to do it every now and again. I got off work late and was in the process of justifying not working out when I made up my mind to suck it up and get my daily work out in. Of course it felt great while I was doing it and I felt even better once it was done. It's funny how the act of starting the work out is the hardest part. Once I'm going I'm really glad I did. I just need to remember that when I hem and haw in the future.

Anyway, as I was working out last night I realized that I need to add variety to my exercise routine. Normally I do a 20-30 minute cardio DVD (I have 3 that I like), I stretch after and then sometimes I will do some arm exercises with hand weights that I have. I think I hit the major components well but I get bored pretty easily and need to make some changes. I also would like to add a little more structure to my weight program. I was browsing through some fitness DVD reviews and I found that a lot of people really liked the Pilates for Dummies and Beginners Yoga for Dummies DVDs. I was pricing them on Amazon and each DVD sold for about $9...not too bad. However, as I was looking I found a single DVD that had both Pilates and Beginners Yoga for Dummies for $8.49! Naturally, I scooped that up. Seems how I got such a deal on that I decided that I would also get the Shaping up with Hand Weights for Dummies DVD too.

I really like the for Dummies fitness DVDs. The ones that I have used in the past are a really good way for you to learn something new and in the privacy in your own home. It's nice because the instruction is very detailed. Once you know the basics they offer higher intensity options. I will mention that there was a universal complaint about the Yoga DVD. Most people felt that after you used the DVD for a while you know the poses and don't need the instructions. I feel that this is probably a legitimate complaint, however, once you learn the poses you can probably do them on your own and at your own pace. All you need to do is provide the relaxing music.

Anyway, once I get them and get a chance to try them out I'll review them for you! Hope you're all having a great day.


LeAnn said...

Coolio. I've never been a fan of work out videos. It's mostly due to the fact that I felt like an idea and I never had the space to do it correctly or comfortably. However, I am very interested in your opinion of them, so please do let us know how it goes.

Kudos for working out despite the attractiveness of not working out. Keep it up! It sounds like you are on a really good path. P.S. The hats on Facebook look super cute.

project.100.gone said...

I've gotten the books for Dummies in the past but never considered the workout videos. I'm not opposed to workout videos but have a tough time finding videos I like and can watch through their entirety. Let me know you're opinion on them...any weight training videos would benefit me I think.

Apparently I need to get my butt on Facebook and look at some hats!