Monday, August 2, 2010

Thank God it's August...

July 2010 has been the longest month ever, even though it flew by. I am really glad that August is finally here and I'm hoping and praying for a thoroughly predictable month. Today is going to be another hard day for my family. My little brother Dean is leaving for Camp Shelby, Mississippi and this is the last time that anybody will get to see him before he leaves for Afghanistan. He should be back late next summer but it's going to be hard having him gone in such a turbulent place with everything else that's been going on. You'd think seems how this is the second time he's been in that Iraq/Afghanistan area it'd be easier to let him go but it's actually worse this time. We're just all saying our prayers, crossing our fingers and holding our breath until he is safely back at home with us. On the bright side, when he gets back his contract with the army will be nearing it's end and he'll never have to go again! I know that while he'd rather not have to go he is excited about what they'll be doing this time. He and the others will be working hand in hand with the Afghan national police. Of course it all makes me nervous but then again I think that's what big sisters are supposed to do. Anyway, if you could keep him and his fellow service men and women in your thoughts and prayers I'd really appreciate it.

Onto business...

I haven't used the blog for it's intended purpose in a while. Obviously there has been a lot going on but I am ready to try and get back into somewhat of a routine. I mentioned in my last blog entry that my sister Karla is going to be getting married in October of 2011. Well, there is an official date and I am happy to announce that I am the one who picked it! So, on October 22, 2011, a mere 2 days after my 29th birthday, my sister will become Mrs. Justin Buchholz (how are my commas LeAnn...I tend to over punctuate with my commas)!!! I am so excited and I cannot wait until we start planning everything. However, what I am not excited about is being photographed in a bridesmaids dress at my current weight. So, it's time to get back to business and start losing some pounds. I have decided that I cannot focus on my overall goal because it's too far away so I have decided that I'm going to focus on 5 pound increments and work on losing 5 pounds every month. Most researchers agree that you can safely and realistically lose 1.5-2 pounds per week so I feel that a 5 pound goal each month is a good target. If I stay on track I could, in theory be 60-75 pounds lighter than I am right now. Again, I'm not looking that far down the track right now, I'm just focusing on my five pounds for August.

Now, you might be asking yourselves how is it that I'm going to lose 5 pounds every month. I have decided that while I'm going to make overarching changes in my life, I am also going to have one specific goal for the month. For example, this month I have decided that I am going to get up a little early each day and do a 25-30 minute jump start work out each morning during the week. I figure I'll lean heavy towards the cardio with these and boost my metabolism from the get go. Each month I will add a new goal. In an attempt to make things more interactive I'm asking for some help. What are some ideas that I might be able to use for my monthly goals? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Alright, I think that's it for now. I hope you ladies are having a good week and being successful in all you do!


LeAnn said...

Well, you beat me to the punch. I really wanted to blog once more in July, and I usually like to blog on the first day of a new month. I obviously pussed out on those two goals. The summer days are dwindling fast. Now, I know you work a regular schedule, but I'm on a teacher schedule, so my free/vacation/summer days are numbered.
Warm thoughts and wishes for your brother. I've actually known very few soldiers that have gone to Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. It's really such an honor for both your brother and your family, so you should be so proud. However, you have every right to worry though.
Onto business, as you say, I think you've had an unfortunately eventful July, so it's probably a good time to reevaluate your routine and goals. I think five pounds is definitely doable. My suggestions are to do what seems logical. It's summer yet, so do what you can outside (enjoy that weather). That goes for eating too. I'm loving the cucumber salads and fresh fruit. I'm doing well with keeping my carbs low. There are natural carbs in fruits and vegies obviously, but I'm keeping my breads and pasta intake low. Once in awhile I'll have an English muffin with peanut butter, but otherwise I try to stick to produce and protein. It's worked well. Exercise-wise, I think cardio is a good idea. Don't forget about your pool, right? Anyway, I'm feeling long-winded, so I'll shut up. I'm glad you blogged. Welcome back!

Nicole said...

LeAnn...I LOVE a good cucumber salad. In fact, that was one of my sides last night for dinner and the the left overs were quite tasty for breakfast this morning. I'm with you on taking advantage of the summer fare. One of my co-workers has a garden and is giving away produce. There is nothing like a cucumber and tomatoes picked fresh from the garden. I really wish I could have a garden and/or get something to grown on my patio. I do need to reevaluate my card intake. I love carbs and could never cut them out completly but I need to eat them more sparingly and be more selective. Blast, why are carbs so tasty?!?!?

project.100.gone said...

I am slow. Should have commented on this entry awhile ago. I too am a lover of cucumber salads. I'm not sure what type my Mom grows but they are my favorite since they retain a nice crunch after being picked. They are also more narrow and skinny compared to the types used to make pickles.

I approve of the monthly 5 lbs weight loss goal. Very attainable and very realistic. I should try out that tactic too since I tend to think about the long term too often.