Thursday, August 19, 2010


Hey Ladies:

The end of the week is approaching and I'm very ok with that. I got a lot of prep work done for my classes and my new job. Still have plenty to do next week when the actual semester starts. I have meetings to attend tomorrow and that's about it. Hopefully I can get my caboose home shortly after 2pm so I can make any necessary preparations before I head to LeAnn's place. Hopefully Gavin remembers not to get on the bus after school.

Today was the first day I truly worked in my new office. It was kind of surreal believe it or not. I've had many offices in the Kinesiology department. Most have been pretty removed from the main hallway the faculty uses. I've purposely been using the lab off the gym I use for Swim & Gym. It allowed me to "hide" from others in the department and just focus on the classes I taught. Now I'm in the main hallway with all the professors and faculty. In 2002 (8 freaking years ago), I was traveling down that hall to visit my professors. In 2006, I was wandering the hall...once again visiting professors for my Masters Degree. And now, the fall of 2010 I have an office in that hallway and immense responsibility. I honestly never thought I'd be where I am today. I knew I'd probably lecture for the PE Licensure program for awhile but didn't think I'd be called on to handle more duties in the department. I'm grateful I got the opportunity though because it will lead to job security. We may have an actual professor coming into the department in January and she will take over some of my classes. My Physical Activity Coordinator job will help keep me at full time status.

When I left work, the new students on campus were having a rally of some sort. It was fairly obvious because they were chanting the "Cyclone.....Power" thing they do at football games. It was another thing that made me thankful for my current situation. I'd love to hear those sounds every time I walk to my car at the end of the day.

I wish I could say I was going to relax this weekend before the start of classes on Monday but that's not the case. We will partake in Czech Days on Saturday but I have to drive back to Ames sadly that day. I have to work on Sunday with some trainings for my CPR instructors. Bleh. I haven't started any prep for my DMACC class either. Sigh.

I am anxious to produce some healthy lifestyle-based blogs soon. I'll write one next week :)

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm not going to say much because I'll talk to you tonight and tomorrow. I've been looking back too about where I am now - school/work-wise. It's hard to believe I have a full-time job that earns me good money. I'm the one in charge. I think I am really going to love it. One fear or weakness of mine (especially compared to my predecessor) is that I am not as knowledgeable in all content matter that I teach. I have a lot of learning to do too.
Anyway, it's nice that we are both so employed and busy. See you later!