Tuesday, April 6, 2010

And I'm back...

Happy April ladies! I hope that you both had a wonderful Easter weekend. I had an excellent trip home. Here are some highlights:

1) My mom is doing well after her surgery. She is still in quite a bit of pain and the wedding took a lot out of her, let's just say that pews and folding chairs are not the ideal seating choice of somebody 10 days post back surgery, but she is definitely on the mend. She was initially told 6-weeks off work after surgery but I think she'll probably be closer to the 12 week mark.

2) I finally got to meet the men in my sister's lives. Kim and Hicham are a beautiful couple. Even though I was originally nervous about the speed of their proposal it is very obvious when watching them that they're in love with one another. I see many happy years ahead of them. Karla and Justin are also ridiculously giddy when together...I LOVE IT! Everybody keeps telling her not to rush into things and they hope that she's not settling with him. I can tell you, she likes him just as much as he likes her. However I will say this, I cannot wait until they have been together long enough that she can start dressing him. He has been a bachelor way too long :)

3) The cake making went well. They were delicious and they looked pretty good as well. The original plan didn't go as we had hoped (2 cakes per row of tables) because Bill's added an extra row of tables at the last minute. Not to mention when Bob was driving them to the hall his crazy driving caused two of the cakes to slide and the top layers fell off the bottom :(

4)The wedding was amazing. The weather was perfect, the ceremony was short, the food was excellent, the dance was a blast and I got to spend time with the people that I love. Dean and Alecia both looked wonderful and were flying high. I think that this is the start of a very long and happy life together!

5) Cody, my brother, has been losing weight. He started in February and last I knew he had lost 30 pounds. Well, that was an under estimation. He has lost 60 pounds since the beginning of February. He looks amazing. I haven't seen him this slender since he was in high school. I don't necessarily agree with the way he's losing his weight (he has been using a combination of low intensity exercise, severe caloric restriction and a weight loss supplement), he is being followed very closely by a doctor and the benefits of his weight loss are tangible. His blood pressure has dropped and the stress on his knees is much less severe. He has about 6 weeks left until he reaches his target weight. Talk about motivation to get myself in gear. I clearly won't be losing it as fast as he did but I'm OK with that.

6) My friend Chris had her surgery last week when I was gone. I haven't had a chance to see her yet but I'm going to go visit her in the hospital tonight. It sounds like they were able to get all of the cancer which is excellent. They did have to go deeper into the rectal wall than they were hoping but there weren't any complications. The surgeon did notice some leakage before closing her up so she has a colostomy bag for now but after her 6-week visit they hope to be able to remove it. She's not out of the woods yet but she is definitely on the right path.

Alright ladies. I don't really know much more right now. Have a great week!


project.100.gone said...

Happy to hear from you! I'm glad your time in Iowa went so well. So when is your caboose coming back again? July for that possible vacation at the lake?

Being that I've seen Cody in person once, he has to look so different considering your description. Holy cow!

Hope to catch you online soon! I was too spent after work today due to the amount of work I crammed into my Tuesday. Hopefully I'll be on MSN tomorrow (Wednesday).

LeAnn said...

It does sound like you had a good trip. Weddings are usually good time to catch with family and have fun. You know what they say about spring (and it's on Bambi too), there is always love in the air in the spring.
Even though I know little about your friends and family, I'm glad to hear about your mom's recovery and Cody's weight loss. My bf is losing weight too, which is fun/supportive for me. However, sometimes he takes measures that I don't agree with - weight loss supplement and dramatically less eating, etc. He looks much healthier, but I get annoyed when he takes some drastic measures that he doesn't need to.
I wish Chris luck in the recovery process. It's a scary yet hopeful time at this point in the cancer situation. Good luck to her too!
I'll hopefully be blogging soon too. Welcome home and good luck with your weight loss.