Tuesday, April 27, 2010



Yes I am alive in the blogging world! Technically I should be in a deep slumber right now but I wanted to write a little bit before trudging off to bed. I've been in a non-weight loss funk for awhile now. I always call attention to those issues but that didn't seem to bump up my motivation for change. It irks me. I'm hoping that the end of the semester and the extra time in my life will allow for healthier activities and the changes I desire. I'm caught up with most of my grading but will have another huge batch of papers to correct during Final's Week. Yippee Skippy.

I want to get in a better blogging routine. Honestly, I wish I could blog every day so I could express (and document) my thoughts, feelings, etc about the things I need to change. Hopefully I can accomplish my goal of more consistent blogging this week and into next week.

I also need to focus and attend Weight Watcher's regularly. I'm not sure how long I'll be a member if my employment changes so I better take advantage now. I also want to start using my bike more often (so Gavin can use his new one too). Jon has shown an interest in losing weight too so I'm hoping we can goal set together and work on healthier menus for the summer. He wants to buy a grill and that would be marvelous. I miss having an outdoor grill. I give major props to my George Foreman grill though. It makes a mighty fine turkey burger. I need to whip those up again!

Before I depart, I want to include a couple recipes that caught my eye. I've had a sample of one of them and it was great. I'll include them in a separate entry so it's more organized.


LeAnn said...

About time! I can't really complain though, because I am just getting back into the routine of blogging. Remember, if you keep putting off exercising or weight loss until you have more time, it won't work. There is never a good time. I wish I would have started during my student teaching.
We can both sympathize with each other about grading papers. I have a 3-4 week deadline, and I would like to get them done in plenty of time before that.
Any definite news about next year? Do you have job? I'll leave the biking to you. I don't think I could get into that. Running is tough, but at least I can add golf and hopefully tennis to the mix.
I'm somewhat depressed that I haven't lost more weight;however, I can tell that I've toned quite a bit and my clothes definitely fit better. I hope you have luck getting into the groove. The orange drink recipe sounds good. I'll try it sometime. Time to shower and grade some papers.

project.100.gone said...

Welcome back friend. Fear not, you're not the only one who's been in a blogging slump. I don't even have the excuse that I don't have thougths to write about, because I do. I think Thursday will be a good day for me to blog this week! Glad things are winding down for you. Bike riding is good...so is grilling. Good luck with the rest of your semester, hope finals go well!