Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A new diet revolution...

Ladies, I have found the perfect way to lose weight. Just get a tooth infection! Let me tell you, I have no interest in eating at all. I probably wouldn't eat anything if my stomach wasn't growling non-stop. Good grief. Anyway, I went to the dentist and I have to have a root canal. Some people say they're not that bad and then there are people who tell me how horrible they are. I don't know who to believe so I guess I'll have to decide for myself. They're doing the root canal itself in 2 parts and then they'll seal the tooth. I won't be getting my crown until after the new year when I will have dental insurance. Let me tell you, this whole dental dilemma is costing me an arm and a leg :( Anyway, I'm on antibiotics and Vicodin now. I took my first ever Vicodin last night and let me tell you, there is NO WAY that I could take that while at work. My arms and legs were all tingly and when I woke-up to go to the bathroom I ran into the wall...not my proudest moment ever.

I was going to blog about exercise and eating well but I don't have much to report. I'm not really eating...I've had a banana and hard boiled egg today, GO ME! And I'm not really doing much for exercise. I might go for a walk tonight if I get home a decent hour. I'm stopping in and visiting Chris to see how her appointment went today and then I have to go to the grocery store and buy some milk, soup and other soft foods. Anyway, hope your week is going well!


LeAnn said...

Yikes. That sounds awful. I am one of the many that despises the dentist with a passion. It sucks that it'll be a long process to fix as well as an expensive one. I don't know much about root canals either, so I can't give you my opinion on them. I feel anything that deals with the dentist just plain sucks.

Careful on the Vicodin. I had to chuckle when I read you walked into the wall.

P.S. I was so happy to see you spelled "dilemma" correctly. I gave a spelling bee yesterday, and many students could not spell it correctly. :o)

P.S.S. I got the Charles City job!!!! :o)

project.100.gone said...

I appreciate your appreciation for spelling dilemma correctly. It didn't look correct typed out so I'm glad to hear that it was OK.

I am with you 100%, I HATE the dentist. Somewhere deep in my soul I'm pretty sure I know they're not all sadists but my mind doesn't agree.

I'm using my Vicodin very sparingly, only right before bed.